Ch. 36: Honesty is the best policy

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"Hey, Benjamin. How are you?"

The most idiotic question, I know, but I didn't know how else to start our conversation. He barely looked up at me. He kept staring at his hands that were handcuffed and rested on the table in front of us. We were divided by a glass wall that made him look like an animal in a cage.

"Orange is definitely not your color."

Great. From one stupid comment to another. But surprisingly enough, Benjamin found it funny. His shoulders shook a bit, and he smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Better get used to it," he muttered and sat back on his chair.

"Nah," I grinned. "I'm here to tell you that they're letting you go in a few minutes. They're filling out the paperwork as we speak."


"It's true."

He sighed and sat back up. Then he finally looked at me.

"I'm afraid you're wrong," he said, trying to sound nonchalant. But I saw past that, and knew Benjamin was scared. He always was the solid pillar who kept his head cool until something was wrong or unfair. Then he put his foot down in one way or another. He was never scared, yet now the only thing I saw was the little boy inside of him. And that boy was terrified.

"The bail is set at almost six thousand dollars. There's no way dad can get that much money overnight. Besides, it's Saturday, and they won't do anything until Monday."

"Who says that?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Who do you think?"

"Well, it's not true," I huffed.

"Yeah? Did you forget that Ryan's parents are lawyers? The best in Sacramento, actually. The asshole is already out of the hospital, yet they're charging me for attempted murder."

"That makes no sense. Besides..."

Involuntarily I swallowed my words, as the embarrassment came washing over me.

"Besides what?"

"A-aren't there... Uhm... Witnesses?"

Benjamin studied me for a while and I couldn't quite read what he was thinking.

"I told them not to say anything," he said quietly.

"But why? Why would you do that?"

"For you. It's my fault it happened. I have to..."

"That's ridiculous!" I exclaimed. "You can't blame yourself for something someone else did, even if it happened in your house. You didn't know he would do that."

I saw his jaw clench and he stared at his handcuffs again.

"Wait... Is there something you're not telling me?" I asked, suddenly a bit anxious. He couldn't possibly be a part of it, could he? Never. He wasn't like that.

"Benjamin!" I yelled, and his eyes widened at my sudden outburst. He started shaking his head and raised his hands in defense.

"I never thought he'd do it to anyone we knew! But I..."

Chills went down my spine and I locked my eyes with his, demanding him to tell the truth.

"But you what?" I asked slowly.

"I'd heard rumors that he'd done it before. To... You know. Other girls. I just never really believed it was true. At least I didn't think he was rotten enough to do it to one of our friends. Especially not you. But that fuck face did it because he knew that..."

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