Ch. 53: Bound to...

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"I never thought there was that much therapy in jumping up and down."

We'd returned to Neverland and were walking down the path, which I now knew was leading to Michael's pool. And even though I was highly skeptical, he'd promised not to push me into the water. Neither of us had any swimwear on anyway, so I chose to believe him.

"Oh, it's much more than that," he said with a smile.

"It's about losing control just as much as gaining it. It's about balance and coordination, and to deal with unexpected impulses by improvising your actions. It's the same thing I do when I dance. I don't think. I feel. Because when you start to think, you lose. That's when you miss out on that tiny part you need to make everything flow right."

I smiled, but felt a bit guilty. That's what I did and kept doing wrong all the time. I analyzed everything into pieces, and read way too much into things for no reason at all, instead of trying to relax and follow my heart. I looked at our fingers that were laced into a tight grip, which Michael noticed and squeezed a little extra.

"Are you okay, babe?" he asked, and my smile grew wider.

"I'm more than okay."

We walked closer so our shoulders bumped together, and she beamed toward me like the sun itself.

"That's good. So am I."

Comfortable silence lingered between us the rest of the way to the pool. It was getting dark, and just like the path that led up to the lake, it was giving a vague optical illusion that we were floating around on a magical road. It was beautiful.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" he asked and raised our hands so he could kiss my knuckles. He seemed calmer now than earlier today.


He chuckled.

"Silly girl."

"I don't know. Maybe we should make something good to eat and watch a movie?" I suggested, and Michael immediately agreed.

"Maybe we should try that herring of yours?"

I giggled inwardly when his eyes flew up and he tried to find an excuse. I didn't even like herring. But after the amazing fillet last night, I honestly wanted to watch him working his magic in the kitchen. And if that really was one of his specialities, I'd like to taste it.

"We're out of herring!" he exclaimed. Then he cleared his throat and tried to act cool, which made me confused.

"I'm not sure if we have any fish at all, actually. But we can order something?"

I frowned.

"It doesn't matter if it's fish or not. I just want us to make something together."

He gave me one of those peculiar looks again.

"Uh... Sure. We'll find something."

Then his expression changed drastically into the mischievous one that told me I was in deep trouble.

"Wanna know a secret, Mia?"

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