Ch. 57: Annoyed

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I took a quick shower and decided to let my hair be. I didn't have the patience to straighten it after a morning like this. Or morning? I didn't even know what time it was. But most annoying of all; I could have sworn what happened in the shower was more than just a dream. And in bed afterwards?

"Argh!" I huffed. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Are you okay in there?"

I grabbed Michael's coconut relaxation butter and angrily applied it into my hair. That would do it for today. That, and a hair tie.

"I'll be right there," I answered, but even I could hear the irritation in my voice. Because I was. I was grumpy as fuck.

...until I opened the door and finally registered what Michael was wearing.

"Oh, my God," I more or less groaned. I must have been completely out of it when I stumbled towards the bathroom minutes ago. How else could I not see the very tight singlet and the light washed, ripped jeans that were clinging around his waist for dear life? And the fact that he didn't have any socks gave me a hint that he might perhaps didn't have any underwear either.

I scolded myself. Since when did I become such a dirty-minded sex freak? I wasn't like that before I met Michael. Then again, I'd never had a boyfriend like him. And now that we'd taken another huge step in our relationship, I just couldn't get the images out of my mind. The way it felt... The way I felt... His smell and moans... The way he moved so perfectly in sync with me...

"Fuck," I mumbled under my breath and forced myself to look somewhere else. Clothes. It's kind of practical to wear regular clothes instead of a wet towel.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

I turned to him with a bra in one hand and placed the other on my hip.

"Actually, I'm not. I..."

I needed to know, but since I didn't dare to ask, I turned back to my suitcase and tried to find an outfit.


"Nothing," I muttered. "I just had a very strange start on the day."

"Really? In what way?"

"Just... Look, I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

I'm just so unimaginably confused and horny that I'm losing my mind, I groaned inside my head.

"Okay. Whatever you say. Are you hungry? I made breakfast."

"Oh," I said lowly, while guilt flushed over me. He must think I'm obnoxiously ungrateful. After all he'd done to make this weekend perfect, and I behave like a total bitch?

"I'm sorry," I mumbled and gave him a tiny smile. Luckily he didn't look offended. He actually seemed more... Amused? Why was it amusing that I was grumpy in the morning?

"What for?" he asked, and I wondered if he really was that oblivious or if he was playing with me.

"For being so moody. I have no reason to be. Thanks for the food. It looks delicious."

(18+) RED (Complete) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora