Ch. 3: Angry or sorry?

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I was angry.

I was disappointed and embarrassed to let myself be mislead to believe that I actually could find someone over an sms, but mostly angry. So when I received a text with only a broken heart and a sad face, I almost threw my phone into the wall. Then there was another text.

"I missed you yesterday."

I growled. Literally and like a friggin animal kind of growling.

"How can you miss someone you don't know?"

"No idea, but I do."

"Well, go miss someone else. I've got better things to do."

If it was possible to strangle someone through the phone, I'd do it now.

"So you're mad..."

The audacity of this guy!

"Hell yeah, I'm mad! I wasted the whole evening yesterday, only to get stood up. Do you know why? Me neither!"

I was pacing around in the room, filled to the rim with frustration and furiously irritated at myself. Then I read his next text and frowned.

"Then we have something in common, because I got stood up, too."

"What do you mean, you got stood up? I was there! But you probably gave me the wrong address on purpose. Or the wrong time."

His answer came immediately.

"I swear I didn't! I just... got caught up with something. Or someone. And when they left, I couldn't find you."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. Does he think I'm dumb?

"Got caught up with someone? So you already have a girlfriend... Terrific. Enjoy your life and go fuck yourself."

I considered calling Gabby. She'd pestered me with phone calls and texts since last night. She'd even called my mom to reach me, but I just wasn't ready to talk about it yet, and mom knew. She kept saying that there was nothing to be embarrassed about, and that things like that happened more often than you'd think. Still, it didn't keep me from thinking that he saw me and bolted out.

"I don't! And I'm being completely honest. I've kinda been too busy for that sort of things. Still am."

I needed some time to think about how to reply to that. Maybe I was being paranoid for automatically believing the worst about him? I mean, yes I was hurt, but would he really keep texting me if he was lying? He definitely wouldn't if he saw me and ran off. It was just hard to believe he was there and I didn't see him. The restaurant wasn't that big.

My answer was uttered with some kind of sad curiosity.

"If you're so busy, then why do you keep texting me?"

"Because I enjoy talking to you."

I didn't reply to that one. I wasn't mad anymore, but since I didn't really know what to feel, I sat down on my bed and combed my fingers through my hair. Then I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples.

"Please don't be mad. I didn't mean for this to happen."

I let myself fall back on the bed and groaned.

"It's difficult to stay mad at you, do you know that? And yes, apology accepted. Sorry for getting so upset."

"Our first big fight. When do we have make up sex? 😏"

I laughed out loud. This guy...

"Don't push it, mister. Just because I didn't block your number, doesn't mean that we're anything else but friends."

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