Ch. 5: Chocolate

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"It's first class, Mimi! Have you seen this?"

Gabby's eyes sparkled like fireworks and she was literally flailing her arms around like an inflatable tube man. That was until one of the stewardesses cleared their throat and gave her a glare that told her to sit down in her seat.

"Alright, alright," Gabby mumbled and did what she said, and that's when I squealed out loud, making the same stewardess jump startled.

"Chocolate!" I exclaimed and pushed passed Gabby to secure it from everything breathing in this world. She rolled her eyes and picked up her own, which I immediately snapped out of her hand.

"That's mine, too," I said triumphantly, smirking when my best friend protested. She knew it was of no use though, because there was no way I would give up free chocolate without a fight. Not even if my life depended on it. My eyes scanned the seats around us to see if there were more delicious treats I could steal, but there were only those two.

"It must be something special from Jake," I muttered, slightly disappointed.

"Awe, that's adorable. It's like a honeymoon without your new husband."

I rolled my eyes.

"You traded up, though," she grinned and pointed at herself.

"For the last time, Gabby. I don't have a boyfriend, and I most certainly don't have a fiancé or a husband. I just happen to have a crazy friend I've never met, who obviously has too much money and desperately wants to get rid of them. I mean, why not donate a little to charity or something?"

"Maybe he does already?"

We looked at each other and both frowned.

"Who has that amount of money and doesn't tell you who he is?" Gabby asked at last, and I shrugged before I dumped down in the seat closest to the window. It was actually Gabby's place, but who cares?

"That's my seat!"

Okay, maybe she cared. But I just gave her an award-winning smile and fluttered my eyelashes, before I stuffed one of the chocolates into my mouth like I was a starved animal.

"And you could at least have shared a little bite, coco-whore."

I just laughed at her pouting face. I knew she would cheer up as soon as she got her first glass of wine, anyway. And since I stole her chocolate, I'd gladly give up my glass to her. I wasn't in the mood for drinking anyway.

"But seriously. Are you sure this isn't just a genius cover for a kidnapping?"

"What? Flown to a place with a lot of people, sleeping at a hotel, also with a lot of people, going to a concert with so many people I'd stop counting after three? Genius my ass. That's a lot of witnesses, harebrain."

"But maybe we won't get that far? Maybe we'll be pushed into a car, believing we're escorted to the hotel, when we're in reality getting abducted and brought to a place deep in some scary forest, and kept prisoned as sex-slaves until we're tortured to death?"

"Gabby! You need to stop watching 'Criminal Minds'! Real life isn't like that."

"...said the naive girl on her way to a living hell."

I just scoffed and started on my second and last piece of heaven.

"Stop smacking so loud! Are you trying to register on the Richter's scale?"

"How rude!" I snorted and chewed even louder, adding some moaning on top. "You're just mad I stole your chocolate. It was delicious, by the way. Sweet and creamy."

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