Ch. 1: Anonymous text

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Author's note: This story is BAD era Michael, with today's technology. Please ignore the fact that the time line is wrong. It was never meant to be like in real life anyway. This is purely fiction, so if that annoys you, then move on.

Also: These two chapters are from last year's Christmas Calendar, and are the start of the full story with Mia and her phone. And of course our beloved King; Michael Jackson.

Ps: Like in all of my stories, expect sexual scenes, graphic descriptions and some cursing.

Re(a)d and enjoy!


"See you tomorrow at 8 pm. Wear something red."

The text popped up on my phone screen around lunch time, and I got curious since I didn't recognize the number. I also knew that I didn't have any plans tomorrow evening, so it was pretty clear that it had to be the wrong number.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

I pushed 'send', and barely got to put my phone down until another text popped up on the screen.

"Your date."

I held in a laughter and shook my head. Definitely the wrong number.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have any date tomorrow."

"Yes, you have. You just don't know it yet."

The answer took me a little aback, and I even looked around me to see if anyone were watching me. It was probably just a prank.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" I asked again, starting to get a little annoyed. But I didn't have to wait long for the answer.

"Your future husband."

This time I laughed out loud.

"And what makes you think I want a husband? Maybe I'm a lesbian and want a wife?"

I didn't get a reply straight away, so I gathered my stuff and went back to class. But just as our teacher, Ms. Brennan, entered, I saw my screen light up again.

"That could be interesting. 😏 Maybe she wants to share?"

My face flushed bright red, and I immediately slammed my phone down on my desk, causing a couple of my classmates to turn their heads. But I just shrugged and pretended like nothing. Still, I couldn't stop thinking about this stranger that obviously didn't intend to leave me alone. And that emoji...!

After a bit of thinking, I discreetly picked up my phone again and placed it in my lap. What the hell do I answer? Do I even answer at all? But after writing and erasing a reply several times, I ended up with a rather harsh one.

"Look. I don't even know you. And judging by your sleazy personality, I suggest you find someone else to bother. Have a nice life."

Quite annoyed, I placed my phone upside down on my desk to avoid seeing if he texted me back. But I still saw the reflection of the light from the screen, and felt the curiosity burning inside me until I couldn't take it anymore. I picked it up, ready to bite his head off.

"You're not even wondering who I am?"

I scoffed. I wanted to say no, but that would be a lie. Then again; no matter what he said could be a lie, too.

"I already asked that. Twice. But I didn't get any answer. And now I don't care anymore. Leave me alone."

"Hey. That's a song of mine."

(18+) RED (Complete) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon