Ch. 69: Pick the f*ck up!

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"Hey, Frank. It's me."

"Mike. Everything good?"

"Yeah. I just wondered if you saw my phone at the studio before you left?"

I scratched my neck. Please say it was there.

"Hm. I don't think so. Why?"

"I can't find it. I thought I left it at home or in the car, but I can't find it anywhere."

"Boy, now what did I tell you..."

"I know, I know!" I interrupted. I knew that rant by heart. Even backwards. This wasn't the first phone I'd lost, and probably not the last.

"Do you have Dev's number?"

I swear, if that idiot took my phone to call my girlfriend, I would shove a flag pole up his ass and wire it to a high voltage electric fence.

"No. But call the studio. He might still be there."

I mumbled a goodbye and tried to remember if I had my phone when I left home this morning. I did, didn't I? So it had to be there. Or was it here after all? Maybe I brought it home and didn't notice that I put it in the freezer or somewhere as absurd as that. I honestly didn't know. But I knew for sure it was somewhere. I just had to find that 'somewhere'. And after checking, I knew that it wasn't in the freezer either.

I really needed to talk Mia, if only so I could hear her voice and know she was okay. But she didn't reply when I called from my home number. She probably thought it was another journalist or something, and I didn't have the number to her aunt since she'd switched to a secret phone number after being pestered with questions about Mia.

"Uh... Yes?"

I frowned when I heard Devon's voice on the other end. It sounded like he'd been running.

"Have you seen my phone?"

"I'm sorry, who's this?"

"Ha, ha. Very funny. It's your boss, you idiot."

I heard him clear his voice and talk to someone in the background, and a woman's voice replied. I couldn't hear what she was saying though, but something told me I should be glad.

"Mike? Why aren't you calling from your cell phone?"

"I would if I could. But that's the reason why I'm calling, to hear if you've seen it in the studio."

It took a moment before he replied, and I was about to ask if he heard me or not.

"Ahh, shit..." he mumbled, and I finally realized what was going on.

"You're in the middle of screwing another girl, aren't you?"

He chuckled.

"Please say it's not in my studio."

He grunted something, and I heard the woman's voice again. Did I know her? Nah, that couldn't be. And even if I did, I didn't wanna know her. Not after this. Not after hearing her moaning through my phone.

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