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Quinton's pov

I couldn't believe that she was in front of me. I couldn't believe I was finally seeing her. I missed her.


"H-hey" I said. She looked at me with a confused face. She didn't know how to react to the situation.

"Please don't touch me" she said in a low voice and pushed me away.


"What?!" she said "What do you want? Why are you even here?"

"I came because Bryce and I know each other, so he invited me"

"Are you lying to him too? Whatever..I have to go."

"Wait!" I grabbed her arm. she looked at me and I let go "I just wanted to tell you that am sorry."

"What?" she said. She wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah. I know I lied to you and I was an asshole-"

"Yes you were."

"But I wanted to say that Im sorry and that I changed"

"And why would I believe you?"

I didn't know how to respond.  The truth is that I am trying to change, and she had all the right to be mad at me, after what I did ... or almost did.

"Quinton ...." I know that she doesn't want to forgive me. "Does Kio know you are here?"

"No" I said "But I came because I care about you!"

"You care about me? You fucking care about me?!" tears started forming in her eyes "If you care so much about me leave me alone"

"Yes I fucking care about you! I don't care about Kio or this stupid party! I just came because of you!"

"But I do! I care about Kio! I love him Quinton and you hurt him! And me!" she said. Tears were rolling down her eyes

"Look ... I understand that you are trying to change, but I don't trust you and I don't like you. So leave me the fuck alone!"
She said walking away.

Mackenzie's pov

Tears were rolling down my eyes. I didn't want to see him. The last thing I needed was to see Quinton. I tried to find the bathroom so I could wash my face.
Red eyes. All my makeup was ruined. I wanted to leave. I tried to call Jaden but he didn't pick up. I washed my face and left.
I couldn't find him.

"Hey Kenzieee" he said
"Do you know were Jaden is?"
"I think that somewhere there ... I really don't know"
"Thanks! For nothing!" he was drunk so I spent a lot of time trying to find him.
When suddenly someone pushed me.
"Sorry" I couldn't believe it was him "Kio."
"Kenzie .. what are you doing here?"
"I came with Jaden but I want to leave and I can't find him"
"Are you and him-"
"No! Definitely not! We are just friends ... totally friends, nothing more ... than .. friends"
"Kio! There you are!" A beautiful girl started screaming. She grabbed his arm
"Do you know each other?" Kio asked
"Yeah ..." I said a little bit confused "So um how do YOU know each other?"
"We study together" Callie answered
"Oh um thats great!" I said. I knew that she was the girl Kio talked to me about. The one he made out with. "Ok I should go and find Jaden.... bye." I said and started walking away
"Wait!" Kio screamed but I kept walking.
I saw Jaden playing truth or dare with some friends. He wasn't THAT drunk so that's good.

some minutes later

In The whole car ride no one talked about the party. Until Jaden decided to break the silence.

"Ok what happened in there that you are so quiet?"
I looked at him, I didn't know if I should tell him or not. But I knew how it felt to be lied to so I will be honest with him. "Quinton"
"What happened with Quinton?"
"He's back"

he's not the one for you - Kio Cyr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now