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next day

I woke up hopping that today would be a better day. I did my daily routine but all i could think about was Kio. All my thoughts were about him. I want him so bad but maybe if we're just friends that would be better, I don't know.
Last night Jaden asked me to hang out with him. I think it's time to start trying to be friends again.

last night conversation
jaden kenzie

So um ... i've been thinking that maybe we can hang out tomorrow
ok good! see you at 6pm. bye

I really wish that him and I can be friends. After all I still love him but not in that way

I spend half of the day watching Netflix and just chilling. It was 5pm so I showered and started preparing. I chose this ..

I texted Jaden that I was ready

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I texted Jaden that I was ready. He told me that we were going to the beach for a walk to talk. about things ...

All the ride was silent. After we arrived, he asked me how I was, I said ok. At the beginning it was a little awkward to talk. We started walking though the beach. To be honest, it was beautiful.

"So um you and Kio?" he asked

"What do you want to know?" I want to be completely honest with him. No more secrets.

"Are you guys dating?"

"No, we are just friends" he giggled

"I love you Kenz, you know that right? But it's way to obvious"

"What is to obvious? "

We sat in the cold sand looking at the sky.

"That you're in love with him" he said "and he is in love with you"

"How do you know that?"

"Because the reason that we stopped being friends was because of you. I liked you and we started dating, but he liked you too. One night we fought because of that, I thought he was jealous of us or something when actually he wanted you to be happy. he wasn't jealous, he was grateful that you and I were together because he knew I was a good guy."

"Wow... I- um- had no idea what to say"

"You don't have to say anything. I just want you to be happy. You and him have something special don't let that go" I smiled from the thought of being with Kio "you really do love him right?"

"Yeah... but its complicated. He is complicated." I looked at him "We hurt each other when we are together but if were not together we suffer in silence"

"Try. He deserves someone like you Kenz. You are good for him, even though sometimes you disagree or have arguments, that doesn't mean that you don't love each other . Every couple has fights, its normal"

"Yeah your right, I'm giving us a chance. Thank you for your advice"

"Sure! That's what friends do, right?"

I do love him, and I'm giving him a chance, I'm giving us a chance, but ,as I said before, he is complicated.

yes I know this is short, sorry! say in the comments what do you want to happen between Kio and Kenzie.

he's not the one for you - Kio Cyr StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora