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I looked at him straight in to his eyes. But I couldn't do this to Jaden. If he finds out I'm dead.
"No. We can't. Now stay away from me" I said pulling him away. I ran to find Jaden. When I saw him with his friends I pulled him and kissed him. The kiss was full of passion. I needed this from him. We lost a lot of touch after everything that happened in the summer.


"Go away! Leave me alone Jaden!"
"I'm sorry Kenzie! She doesn't mean anything  to me. I swear! Please forgive me!"
"Jaden you cheated on me with my fucking best friend! You didn't think about it? Think about us when you were fucking her?? Just leave! GO!" I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that the person that i trusted the most on this world cheated on me. And my friend? god I hate her!
Since that night Jaden and I stoped talking. We decided to take a break. I started going out a lot. Drinking. And one night I saw Kio alone at the bar.

- End of the flashback -

"Get a room guys!" one of Jaden'a friends shouted. We started laughing.
"I love you. You know that right?" he said
"Yeah I know. I love you too." then I kissed him softly. "I have to go to my second period. Bye." I said running because I was getting late. 
While I was at class quiet, I started thinking
<Maybe it is time that I loose my virginity with him. Well not my virginity because I lost it with Kio but Jaden doesn't  need to know that. Anyways maybe I should do it with him. I missed him so much and we're doing really well. Apart from the part that i cheated on him with Kio and I lied to him about being virgin, damn I'm really fucked up!> All my thoughts were interrupted by people screaming. Wtf! I went out of the classroom and saw Kio fighting with Anthony. What the fuck?!
I tried to separate them but they didn't stop fighting and hitting each other.
"Enough! You three to my office. NOW!" the principal yelled. Me? Why me?!!
We entered to the office.
"Mackenzie explain what happened"
"Believe me sir I have no idea. I was in
my class when i heard people screaming. i went outside and saw them punching each other!" i said trying to convince him that i wasn't involved.
"Anthony. What happened? Why Kio was punching you?"
"His after my sister! I saw him always pulling her by the wrist and she always tells him to stay away!"
"Is that the reason why you punched me? Ain't my fault that your sister keeps coming after me!" Kio said looking mad at Anthony.
"Who started the fight?" the principal asked
"Kio!" "Anthony!" both said at the same time trying to blame the other. I just seated there and looked pretty.
"Ok. So because none of you know who started it, detention! You can leave."
"Detention?! But I wasn't involve!" I said trying to defend myself. It was not  fair! 
"Leave now! The three of you!"
You have to be kidding! Detention with Kio! Really? Now i will have to spend the whole week after school with Kio.

he's not the one for you - Kio Cyr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now