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Kio's POV

Weeks before Mackenzie's flight

Me and Kenzie aren't talking that much. I do miss her but I want her to have her space and I want to focus on my acting skills.
Since she left it feels like we aren't in a relationship anymore. I stopped texting and calling her because I saw her Instagram and she looked really happy and I didn't want to take that away from her. I made some friends.  Callie, Logan and Bryce. Callie was the only one that was there for me since Kenzie left. I really think that I can trust her.
She tried to kiss me one night. I was really drunk because I saw posts on Kenzie's  Instagram with a guy called Noah Neck and I thought that she was cheating on me so I got really drunk and made out for like three  seconds and then I realized what I was doing and how wrong it was. I know that I fucked up and that I should tell Kenzie but I started avoiding her because I thought it would be easier but it isn't. She did texted me and called me but I never answered or picked up because I was afraid to tell her the truth. That I am a fucking cheater.

She also made other friends but Noah is the only one that called my attention. In every picture he was really close to her.
So as the jealous and protective boyfriend that I am I saw his Instagram and he had some pictures with Kenzie too with captions like
"I can treat you better" or "I think I'm falling"
Of course I thought that I should call Kenzie and ask her who this guy is and why his captions say that but I didn't want to be toxic or sound like I don't trust her, so I didn't call or text. But It became q habit to not talk to her.

I went to a LOT of parties and tried to have fun but it wasn't the same without Kenzie.
Logan and Bryce told me to call her but I just couldn't. Callie told me to not tell her because that would make everything worse. But I don't want to be a liar so I decided to tell her tonight.

Mackenzie's POV

After the flight I will admit that I was nervous. I don't even know why. LA is my home. People here are my home. Kio is my home.

I am with my mom at my house.
We don't have the best relationship and after dad's death we barely talked.

"Oh sweetheart I'm sure that Kio isn't cheating on you"

"Yeah I know that he isn't that kind of guy but .. " I stopped talking and thought that maybe it is possible that he cheated on me and that's why he is avoiding me because he is afraid to tell me the truth. Maybe I'm just trying to convince myself or maybe he didn't cheat and I am just inventing a whole story. That's why I need to talk to him. "I don't know why he is acting this way but that is exactly the reason why I came. I love him mom and It hurts me that he is pushing me away. He started acting and he is very popular is this new app called TikTok. His "fans" think that we aren't dating anymore and honestly when they ask me I don't know what to say because I have no idea if Kio wants to be in a relationship with me"

"All these questions and doubts you have ... they have answers. I'm sure that he has a reason to act this way. When you talk to him tomorrow you will have to make the choice to believe him or maybe give up the relationship. But for now you should have some rest."

I went to my bedroom. It felt so weird to be back. All the memories I have here, It's like I can feel them. In another occasion I would be happy to be back but now ... I'm just so afraid that he cheated on me.

I guess we will find out the truth tomorrow.

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