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So here we are, college. Since three weeks ago I'm here and to be honest everything has been great. Kio and I face time all the time and I try to talk to everyone as much as possible.
I made some friends, Tyler, Maison and Lucy.

Tyler, Maison and Lucy.

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I  met Tayler and Maison at a party in the first week here

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I met Tayler and Maison at a party in the first week here. I will admit that I was completely nervous because I didn't know anyone but Lucy came towards me and said to hang out with her. She showed me where the clasess were and also she is my roomate which is pretty cool.

Funny story, I met Tayler because he was drunk flirting with me and Maison apologized for him so Lucy presented me both of them, even though Tayler didn't recognize me the next day. What can I say? Vodka affects us all. And since that day, we had been my friends.

Last week Kio and I were great, but four days ago he stopped calling me or texting me. Lucy told me to not worry because he has things to do too, plan a future and everything. so I'm just taking it calmly. Look at me! So mature!

Today we're going out to a party that some guy named Noah Beck is hosting. He is friends with Tayler and Maison but not really with Lucy and me. I only heard of him but never met him, for some reason Tayler didn't want me to meet him. weird.

We just finished our classes so we are going to change with Lucy to look pretty :)

"Do you think that I should use a dress or not ?" Lucy asked

"To be honest, I don't even know what I'm using so ... yeah" I said "Maybe a top and a ripped jean" I said

"Yeah maybe .." she said "So ... you and Kio? How are you guys?"

"What do you mean? We are good, of course if you forget the part that my boyfriend is avoiding me but yeah fine" I answered

"Maybe he just need some space with all the college stuff, you know ..."

"Yes I know but I just ... do you ever feel like a bad feeling? Because the last time I kissed him it felt like it would be our last time together . When I talked to him I felt that too." Lucy stared at me "Maybe it's just my imagination or something"

"Or maybe you are just a normal girlfriend that is worried. He is ok, I'm pretty sure"

She was right, I was worried but for what exactly? Not talking doesn't mean anything, maybe he lost his phone or something happened. Yes I'm pretty sure something happend, he wouldn't ignore me, right?

We finished preparing and went to the party.

I wore this :

We entered to Noah's house ,I supposed it was his house, and I met some people

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We entered to Noah's house ,I supposed it was his house, and I met some people. Maison got us some drinks. we danced, talked, played some games and then I accidentaly pushed someone.

"Sorry I didn't want to-" I said but he interrupted me

"Don't worry it's fine. I'm- " Tayler came out of nowhere and grabbed me by the hand.

"Hey .. Tayler what are you doing? I was talking to someone" I said confused.

"He is Noah Beck"

"And ...?"

"I don't want you to talk to him because he has the reputation of breaking hearts"

"I have a boyfriend Tayler! I would never cheat on him!"

"I know but ... you know what? You Mackenzie Reeves are right. Go talk to him" he said

<Well that was really weird>

I went directly to him. if he has a "bad boy heartbreaker reputation" I wanna know why.

"Hi" I said

"Hi .. girl that Tayler doesn't want me to talk to"

"Yeah well, what can I say? He can be really weird sometimes"

"Yes he can" he said smiling "Noah Beck, by the way"

"Mackenzie Reeves, nice to meet you"

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