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Mackenzie's pov

In all the ride with Jaden I couldn't stop thinking of Kio. I'm mad at him but he still is the person that I loved for a long time. Even though I want to forget him, a part of him will always be in me.

"Hey, are you ok?" Jaden asked with a soft voice

"Yes I was just .. thinking" I answered 

He stopped the car

"If you want to stay and watch the Titanic we can do that, I don't care about this party, but I do care about you" he said looking in my eyes. I forgot how beautiful his eyes were.

"Drive. We are going to that party." I said. I won't let Kio and our problems ruin this night. I want to forget him and move on.  I won't seat and cry because of him!

- He drove for some more minutes and then we arrived. 

Bryce's house was really big . 

Before we entered to his house, Jaden grabbed my arm and said " You have to know that Bryce and Kio are friends, so expect to see him." 

"Great, this is just great!" I said with sarcasm

"If you see him just turn around and walk away. If you want to leave just call me or find me, ok?" 

"Yes" I said. Jaden was right, If I see him I just walk away and that's it. No problem. 

We entered to Bryce's house. The music was loud and it was full of people. 

"Jaden!" a tall guy said 

"Mackenzie this is-"

"Bryce Hall nice to meet you" he said with a smile. 

"Mackenzie Reeves" I said 

"Oh ... you are Kio's .."

"Ex-girlfriend. Yes"

"Well . . . let me get some drinks" 

We drunk . . . a lot. I liked Bryce, he was a fun guy to hang out with. 

"I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM" I could barely hear my voice 

"OK" Jaden said 

I was drunk. Very drunk. I forgot to ask Bryce where the bathroom is, so I opened every door to find the damn bathroom. I found a lot of people making out and others hooking up. 

"Shit! Sorry" I said every time I opened a door and people were . . . busy.  

My stupid drunk ass fell. I was in the floor like an idiot. I barely had strength to move. I don't know what thing those drinks had but damn!

"Hey .. are you ok?" Some random guy asked

"Yeah .. I was just -" and then I saw his face. I wanted to punch him so bad. It didn't matter how drunk I was, I was aware of the situation, of the person in front of me.  "This has to be a joke" I said in a really cold and disappointed voice.


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