chapter 48: the end

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My heart started beating fast as I watched the video. The phone dropped from my hands. I thought that him and Callie weren't together. He told me nothing happened between him and her! I tried to calm down. Maybe he was drunk .. or maybe it was just a one night stand but still ... it hurts. 

I picked up the phone, took a quick shower and called Kio and told him to come over. I couldn't wait until tomorrow to talk to him, to talk to him about this. 

I changed into something simple and comfy and opened the door when someone knocked. 

"Kio we need to-" my heart stopped "What are you doing here Quinton?" 

"Good to see you too Kenzie"

"I asked you a question" 

"Did you saw the video that I sent you?"

"You- Why?"

"Because I wanted you to know the truth. You can't be with someone that doesn't tell you the truth"

I rolled my eyes "And you are the one to talk"

"I didn't want to hurt you"

"I don't care Quinton! I don't care what you want! Just leave Kio and I alone!"

"After what he did to you ... You defend him?!" he started laughing. He placed one hand on the wall "He's not the one for you"

"I love him, even if he fucked up I still love him" I said "And he will explain to me what happened that night"

Suddenly a car parked in front of my house. Kio got out of the car, and in the moment he saw Quinton he came running and pushed him away from me. 

"What the hell are you doing here Quinton?!"

"Just having a like chat with your girlfriend" he said "Or should I say ex?" 

Kio looked at me and then at Quinton. He grabbed him by the shirt and punched his face "Stay away from her" he let go and stepped back "Leave Quinton"

"As you wish. Anyways, hope you have fun talking to him Kenzie about .. you know what"

I grabbed Kio's hand and pulled him inside. 

"What the hell was he talking about?" he asked as I closed the door. 

"You told me that nothing happened between you and Callie" I said not looking at him. I couldn't "You lied" 

"Kenzie" he said with a soft voice stepping closer to me but I stepped back. I gave him my phone and showed him the video. "I can explain"

"Then do it" I said and crossed my arms looking straight into his eyes. 

"That happened the night that we went out, after the fight we had in that bar .. She came to pick me up. I stayed with her for the night and I . . . I was the one that kissed her" I sighed, tears were forming in my eyes "But it didn't mean anything! Kenzie it was a mistake! I was mad at you and-"

"So what? Every time you are mad at me you are going to sleep with someone?!" 

"No, of course not!" he said grabbing my hand "I love you. I want you."

"Then show it Kio" I said "I am trying to be with you but every time something happens! Have you thought that maybe we shouldn't-" my voice broke, I didn't want to say it, I didn't want to admit it "Maybe we shouldn't be together"

"No! I want to be with you Kenzie! I can't imagine myself with somebody else! I don't want to be with somebody else" he said. A tear rolled down his cheek. "Listen, I know I fucked up and you have every right to be mad at me, but listen to my words, I want to be with you and just you. Do you want the same?"

- - - - - - -  -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- -- 

Six years later

"Okay! Silence! Call Kio, we need him now!" a man ordered 

"Turn the lights!" a woman shouted 

"Where is Mackenzie?" 

"You called me, sir?" I asked 

"Tell Kio to come. We need to start filming" He said and I nodded "Oh and .. Congratulations" the man said with a smile 

I smiled back and said "Thank you sir"  I ran to a room that had the name Kio Cyr on it. I opened the door and told his assistant to leave "Kio, they need you "

He looked at me and smiled "Okay" he stood up and kissed my forehead "Wish me luck"

"Mmm to you? I don't think you need luck honey" I said kissing his cheek 

"With you here, working with me, I definitely don't need luck. Just two more weeks and you will have my last name"

"Just two more weeks" I said and kissed him, with love and passion. 

Someone called Kio again and he ran to the set. He check his script and then they started filming. He was part of a TV show, he was actually the main character. I was so proud of him. 

He's been working in the acting industry for years now. He got this job a couple of months ago. We moved to New York last year, and since then we've been living together. He works as an actor and I work in the production team. I check if everything is ok with the lights and cameras before filming. I also give advice when it comes to the plot of the story. 

I can't believe that after everything we went through, we are here, together. We are living together and in two weeks I will be his wife. We will get married. 

Now I know, for sure, that Kio Cyr is the one for me. 



Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed my story.  I already know this chapter is short but I think it is the best ending I could give to Kio and Kenzie. thanks for reading my story and I hope you liked this chapter.

Would you change the ending I gave them? Did you like my story? Tell me in the comments. By the way, I am writing another stories. One is called "ADDICTED" (unpublished) and another one is called "Hate at first sight" . Tell me what other stories would you like me to write. I kind of want to write more romance and fantasy but you tell me ;) 

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