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the door opened. It was Kio. Before my eyes closed I saw Kio pushing Quinton away from me. They started punching each other, but I couldn't see who won because I passed out.

hours later

I woke up in a strange bed but not that strange. I was wearing an oversized hoodies. <what happened to my dress? what happened last night> i thought but i was interrupted by Kio.

"Good morning sunshine" he said with a little smile
"Kio what happened last night?" i asked. he didn't answer "Did we.."
"No." he said. He gave me two pills for the headache and some water "I really don't know what happened last night with you. Don't you remember?"
"No I can't. The only thing that I remember is drinking, going to the bathroom with Quinton and then ... everything is black"
"Ok" he said taking his shirt off.
<what is he doing?> He came closer to me. Our lips were barely touching.
"I'm going to take a shower" he said and left the room
"Fuck..." I said whispering
I took my clothes, my phone and went to Quinton's room but he wasn't there so I left the house. I called him but he didn't replied. Lisa, Rachel and Logan didn't too. Then I noticed that it was 8 am of course they won't reply to me this early!

after the drive

I got off the car and entered to my house. For some reason I felt weird but I didn't pay too much attention. I turned off my phone, I really needed to think about something .... but what? I felt like something was missing, yeah I don't get my self either.
I went to the kitchen and Anthony was there.
"Oh hey.."
Yeah we are good now but something is off.
"Did you have fun last night?"
"Yeah I ... guess"
"You're acting weird, is everything ok?"
"Yeah yeah, well actually not. I feel like something happened last night, something important but I can't remember what"
"Mmm well don't worry everything will be ok" he said touching my shoulder in a comfort way but suddenly I felt like my body was hurting <wtf>
"Oh and next time if you are going to do it with Quinton tell him to be a little bit more gentle" i looked him confused "You know because of the marks in your neck" he said and went upstairs
<what marks?> i thought. I went to the bathroom and saw marks all around my neck. Hickeys but they were purple, they looked more like bruises and suddenly memories came back from last night. I could remember Quinton pushing me against the bathroom wall, how he kissed me and how I told him to stop. I could remember being in the floor and Kio entering into the bathroom, I could remember everything. I started crying.
"Why he would do this? Why he would hurt me?" I asked myself but the truth is I had no idea. I was now in the floor crying, thinking in how could I ever trusted him, how I asked for help but my screams were loud enough, how he wanted me to do something that I didn't want to. I was crying for everything. For loosing Kio, for lying to Jaden, for loosing my best friend, my dad, all the pain came at once.
I turned on my phone
Lost Calls from Kio
Texts from Kio
Lost Calls from Quinton

I got up, looked myself in the mirror and said "You are much more than this"
I changed into some comfy clothes and went to Kio's house.

minutes later
I arrived to his house. I needed to talk to him. He was there, Kio stopped Quinton.
I knocked and nobody answered so I knocked again <coming!> i heard Kio shouting.
He opened the door and looked at me with a confused face, but all I did was hug him and the next minute I was crying on his chest. He hold me tight. I let go and enters into the house. He gave me some hot chocolate and we sat in the kitchen.
"What happened Kenz? You know you can tell me anything"
"I know It's just ... I don't know how to say it."
"It ok, you don't need to tell me anything. If you want to talk, we'll talk, you want to watch a movie, we'll watch a movie, whatever you want" I nodded. I was there and I needed to tell him the truth, what Quinton almost did to me.
"I can remember what happened last night.." I stopped for a second, I could feel my voice breaking but I continued "I was in the bar drinking, you Olivia and Quinton were having fun. I went with you guys and then told Quinton I was going to the bathroom. Nobody was inside of it, I entered and Quinton followed me. He asked me if I was feeling ok and I said yes but I lied and then he- he" my eyes started tearing up.
"It's ok, it's alright" Kio said stroking my face wiping my tears.
"I didn't want to do it! But he- he pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. I screamed but he shut me up with his hand on my mouth! He started chocking me, hurting me. Kio i didn't want to do it! I didn't want to!" I said crying. He stood up and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry you had to go though this Kenz. I'm so sorry" he said "You don't deserve this"
I wiped my tears and let go.
"I need to tell you something Kenz and you won't like it. It's about Quinton, the truth about him. You deserve to know, after everything"

Should I be scared? Should I be scared of knowing the truth about Quinton?

"Tell me."

he's not the one for you - Kio Cyr StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя