"If you call that a conversation." Youngjae grumbled and got ready to fight. He took down two assassins coming right at them in a flash. Sunwoo managed to hit back an arrow aimed at Youngjae.

"I'm this close to letting you get killed." Sunwoo glared at Youngjae. 

"Both of you shut up and help this instance!" Joonyoung yelled impatiently. 

He was up against assassins coming from all sides along with Changmin and Younghoon. They had trained themselves for combats like this but of course, it would be a lot easier if they could use their power. 

"Just how many times do they intend to attack us?" Haknyeon yelled out.

No one gave him an answer. He grumbled as he swung his trusty club around. Hwall stuck close to Juyeon as he tried to help as much he could with his little dagger. 

"You didn't warn us about these things!" Hyunjae shouted to Sangyeon.

"Do you think I predicted this?" He yelled back.

"HAAAAAAAALLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP!!!" A scream made the two of them turn around. Hyungseo was running around as three assassins chased him. Sangyeon kept an eye on him as he fought his way over to Hyungseo. 

Hyungseo tried to flail his quiver around and throw rocks at the assassins' face. He threw a handful of sand towards them and that made them distracted for a while. As he scrambled to grab more rocks and sand, the three assassins fell down right in front of Hyungseo. 

Hyungseo stared at the three, confused. He stared at the sand in his hand.

"Is this poisonous?"

"No, you idiot." Sangyeon grabbed the back of his robe and pulled him up as he fought back with his sword. Hyungseo didn't have time to protest when Sangyeon pushed him away back into a bush. He fell down with a thud.

"Ow, that hurts." He rubbed his butt. He watched as the others fought back either with their swords or their body. He glanced around. Trees.......that'll do. He climbed up a tree as fast as he could not forgetting to collect some stones before. 

He adjusted his position on the branch and aimed his sling which Hwall had made for him just yesterday. He aimed at one of the enemies ganging up on Juyeon and Hwall. He closed one eye for better aim and...............shoot. 

Juyeon and Hwall looked surprised as the assassin suddenly yelped at the shot. Juyeon took the chance to quickly strike him down. Hwall glanced at the direction it came from and grinned when he saw Hyungseo's triumphant smile. He gave a thumbs up as Hyungseo winked back.

"One shot, one kill." Hyungseo grinned to himself as he shot down another behind Sunwoo. He continued shooting and became focused immediately. He didn't notice an enemy creeping up behind him. 

"Arggghhhh!!" Hyungseo turned around to see Youngjae behind him. He looked down and saw an enemy clinging onto the branch. He kicked his hands and the assassin screamed as he fell down. 

"Thanks!" Hyungseo said as he initiated a handshake. Youngjae accepted, then climbed back down. 

"This is getting too much! We can't hold on any longer!" Hyunjae shouted, particularly to Sangyeon.

"We need to keep it up until we can get a clean get away!" Sangyeon yelled back. Hyunjae nodded although Sangyeon couldn't see him.

"Younghoon!" Changmin yelped as Younghoon fell down after getting cut by an assassin. Changmin saw red and ran to him in super speed and tackled the assassin down. He snapped his neck cleanly. Then he got up to examine Younghoon.

"Younghoon, are you okay?" He said, pressing his cloth onto the cut wound. Younghoon nodded.

"Babe, did you forget I'm not human?" Younghoon smiled teasingly. Changmin frowned.

"Still, it must've hurt." He pouted.

"It just stings a little. I'm completely fine." Younghoon smiled and swept Changmin's hair back and pressed his lips on his head. 

"Umm, Okay but we kinda have a fight going on and we would greatly appreciate your help." Haknyeon said, awkwardly. Changmin and Younghoon nodded as they got up again. Haknyeon shook his head. 

"Why do I always witness these kind of things?" He muttered to himself, smashing his club onto the enemy's head and swinging it around. 

"Hyung! We need to go! Now!" Juyeon yelled out. He was getting tired and there seemed to be no end to the assassins. Just how many were waiting for them?

"Ok! Everyone! We will- ah!" Sangyeon fell down as he stabbed his sword into the ground to support himself. 

"Hyung!" Juyeon and Hyunjae shouted as they tried to get near him to help. 

The one who struck Sangyeon down attempted to strike again but yelped and backed off as a paint brush flew right into his eye. Sangyeon glanced at Hyungseo who gave him a small 'ok?' gesture. Sangyeon nodded to Hyungseo and his brothers to reassure them. But he had been stabbed in the stomach. It was dangerous.

He huffed as he tried to stand up. He had to for his brothers and the others. An enemy came running at him and he prepared to fight back but someone blocked him. 

He watched as the enemy fell down with a blow of the one in front of him. 

"You're not fine." He said. Sangyeon recognized him as Joonyoung when Hyunjae introduced the earlier. He gave a grateful nod.

"Thank you but I am fine. We just need to find an escape." He protested and tried to walk but fell down again. He grunted at the seeping pain through his body. He peeked at his wound and saw that it was kind of purple around it. 


"Guys! Be careful of the swords! They are coated with poison!" He yelled out to alert the others.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Sunwoo said as he punched one right in the gut and kicked him away. He kept fighting when he glanced where the enemies were coming from. He saw some kind of cage? He squinted his eyes hard and noticed a person being held captive. 

"Hyung! There's someone in there." He said to Hyunjae.

"Who in what?" Hyunjae replied back, dodging a swing of the sword.

"In the cage. Back there!"


"I need to go take a look."

"Sunwoo, it's dangerous!" 

"But that person could be a prisoner!"

"Fine, go ahead! I'll cover you." Sunwoo nodded as he made his way to the cage. He dodged and weaved through the enemies and finally got to his destination. His eyes widened when he saw the person in the cage.


A/N: So, I might not update for the next couple of days. Yehet!

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