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*One Week Later*

"Hey" I say, giving Niall a kiss as he walks through my front door.

"I'm sorry to just interrupt tour plans like this. When do you have to be back?" I ask.

"Well the tour starts in just a few days, but I talked them into letting me stay here until the night before and fly out to Australia, meeting them at the hotel. Jet lag is definitely gonna hurt but it'll be worth it." he smiles.

"That's great. Well, is there anything I could get you before we talk?" I ask, nervously.

"Nah. I figured what you needed to tell me was really important since I came here, so I wanted to make a date out of it. How about a picnic?" he asks.

"That sounds perfect. Where at?" I ask.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." he winks.

He takes my hand, leading me outside. I slightly shiver from the chilly air. He tells me to close my eyes, and I do so. He holds his hands over my eyes guiding me to where we're going.

"Keep your eyes closed." he delicately whispers in my ear, his hair lightly brushing my cheek.

His grip moves to my waist as he guides me off of a sidewalk and across a road. I hear a gate open, we walk inside and I hear it shut. He guides me just a few more feet before we both stop.

"Open your eyes." he tells me.

"Oh my gosh, Niall. This is beyond perfect." I say as my lip trembles and tears well in my eyes.

As I opened my eyes, I see we're at a park. Just under the bridge, beside the lake is a picnic area set up, the only light from the moon and candles set up around it. I carefully step over the candles and sit on the blanket in front of the picnic basket. Niall takes a seat in front of me. I take the picnic basket and open it. He helps take out the food he's prepared.

"Niall, oh my gosh these are adorable." I say, taking out the sandwiches.

"I thought it was pretty creative. Sandwiches cut out into hearts." he chuckles. I feel my cheeks heat up from his adorable laugh.

Niall starts eating his food, and I don't hesitate to eat mine. We finish our meals, and set the basket to the side so we can get closer. Niall pulls me to him as we stare at the reflection of the moon on the lake.

"That you so much for this Niall. It was fantastic." I say.

"You don't have to thank me." he smiles. He stares into the distance before breaking the silence.

"Can you promise me something? Promise me that I'll always be the person you love. I'll be the only one who has your heart always?" he asks, I look down and fiddle with my fingers.

"I can't promise you that Ni" I say, looking over at him.

He looks over at me, confused and slightly hurt. I put my hands on my belly and lightly skim my fingers over it.

"Because one day there will be a little one in my life that I will love with all my heart and will call you daddy" I say quietly.

"You mean you're...?"

"Yes, I'm pregnant." I answer his unfinished question.

He stares out to the water again to recollect what I had just told him. He slowly smiles and looks over to me.

"Correction love. We are pregnant. For that child in your womb is half of me and half of you; and I will not let you go through this pregnancy alone. I know I may not carry our child, but I will carry you and our child in my heart and care. I will be the best father to our child. We are pregnant." he says, repeating the last phrase.

"Niall, that's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever told me." I tell him.

"I mean it. I helped create the human being that's forming inside of you. I'll help take care of it, and you." he says, pressing his lips to mine.

"So, how long have you known?" he asks.

"Only a week. The day I called you and told you I needed to tell you something was the day I found out." I answer.

"I'm glad you told me. I'm gonna be with you every step of the way. Being there when you need me. I'm never leaving." he says.

"What about the tour?" I ask him and his face falls. He stares into space, deep in thought until a smile appears.

"Come with me."

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