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"Hey, Princess. Wake up we've landed." I hear Niall softly whisper to me.

I stir lightly in my sleep and open my eyes, seeing Niall over me. I smile, leaning up and kiss him. I get out of bed, remaking it and grab my stuff before following Niall out of the jet and into the limo. We drive for only about half an hour before reaching where we're staying.

"Where are we anyway? You never told me." I ask.

"Bahamas. We'll be here for a week before we have to go back on tour." he tells me and I smile in excitement.

We walk into the beach house were staying in and start unpacking our things.

"So, I was thinking. After we have some newlywed time and rest, we can announce our news over twitcam?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, that sounds great. I'll go ahead and tweet about it." I say, grabbing my phone. Niall and I tweet about our big announcement and finish putting our things away.

As I'm putting away my last piece of clothing I feel hands on my shoulders, massaging them and lips pressed against my neck.

"Niall. I need to finish unpacking." I say.

"Shhh. Let me relieve every single bit of stress from your body." he whispered in my ear.

Niall picks me up and lays me softly on the bed. Our lips move in sync slowly. He reaches at the back of the sundress him wearing and unzips it, sliding it off my body and dropping it into the floor. Each piece of clothing is dropped into the floor one by one.

*Two Hours Later*

"Did you feel that?" I asked Niall ad were laying in bed, my hands over his on my belly.

"Wow. Our little one is moving around. It's so amazing." he says as I guide his hand around my stomach to where the baby is moving.

"We get to find out the gender of it next month. What do you want it to be?" I ask.

"Honestly, it doesn't matter to me. As long as I have a healthy baby and a very healthy wife after birth. Nothing else matters." he tells me, giving me a kiss. "What about you?"  he asks.

"I feel the same way. A healthy baby is all I want. Although if it's a girl, it would be so much of a bonus." I smile and kiss Niall again.

I turn over on my side to where my back is against Niall's front. He pulls me close to him and sets his hand on my belly, I lay my hands over top his. We slowly fall asleep to the sounds of each other's steady breathing.

*The Next Morning*

Niall and I woke up slightly early. We ate breakfast and took our showers, also tweeting about the twitcam that is about to take place so no one forgets. Niall sets the laptop up and make sure that the view is right on us. He logs into Twitter and gets the twitcam started, sending the link to all the fans. Within seconds we have thousands of views.

"Hello! Can everyone see us?" Niall asks. We look into the feed and see the majority of the fans can.

"Wow, you guys are going crazy!" Niall laughs. "I know it's been a really long time since a twitcam has even existed from any of us but Lauren and I have a pretty huge announcement to make." Niall finishes and looks at me. I nod in assurance.

I stand up and walk to another part of the room getting a sign we have previously made. I stand in the middle of the room kind of far from the camera so everyone can see. When Niall gives me the nod I quickly turn the sign around and give a huge smile.

We're pregnant!

The sign says with colorful borders and designs all around it. I put the sign away and sit back next to Niall.

"Niall and I are having a baby! And we couldn't be more excited! I'm 3 months along and next month we get to find it if it's a boy or a girl! So, for those of you who support us which I hope is all of you, we have come up with a little game. You can tweet, instagram, anything with the hashtag #BabyHoran2015 whether it be gender guesses, nursery ideas or name ideas because we need help!" I laugh.

"And come next month when we know what the gender is, there will be a big reveal for all of you to know!" Niall continues.

"But until then, use that hashtag for any guesses or ideas you may have!" I finish. We wave bye to the camera and log off, shutting down the computer.

"I'm going out on the beach. Are you coming?" I ask Niall as I put my swimsuit on.

"Why of course, it's our honeymoon why wouldn't I enjoy the time I have alone with my wonderful wife?" he asks with a laugh as he puts his trunks on.

We walk outside after getting dressed and I immediately walk to the shore, letting the water run over my feet. I soon hear a snap of a camera and quickly snap my head to Niall who had his phone up.

"You better let me see that before you post it!" I say with a smile walking over to him.

I grab his phone and look at the picture. It's really pretty actually. It's of me, looking into the ocean. He took it from the side so the sun hits the picture perfectly and you can see my small pudge of a baby bump. I go to his instagram app and post it, tagging myself in it with the hashtag #BabyHoran2015. I post it on his Twitter as well before handing his phone back to him. I sit in the sand and he joins me.

"What do you think the fans think about it all? You getting married and becoming a father. It's all kind of sudden to them." I say

"Yeah, but the real fans are the ones that are going to help and support us. The ones who give hate are just the ones wanting attention. But you don't need to worry about anything. I'm keeping you and baby Horan safe, always. It's my job." he tells me making me smile. I look over to him and lean in kissing his lips.

This is the start of something new. For the both of us.

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