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"Come on Lauren. It's New Years Eve. You have to have a least a little fun. Let loose." my best friend Selena told me, pouring me a drink.

"What if we get caught? We're underage remember?" I inform her.

"Why are you always so worried about getting caught? It's the biggest party of the year." She tells me. She's right. It's New Years Eve, I should be having a little fun, right?

I take the drink and sip it, closing my eyes at the burning sensation my throat felt as I swallowed. I finish my cup and filled it again, promising myself this one would be the last one of the night.

"Hey, you'll never believe who just walked in and has laid his eyes on you." Selena tells me with a smirk.

"Who?" I ask, too scared to look around.

"Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Harry Styles. Niall's kind of staring you down right now." she tells me taking a sip out of her cup, I shake my head.

"You're lying. Members of One Direction? Here? Too much to believe." I say.

I run my finger along the rim of the cup, going into a world of my own. I try to get into a conversation with Selena but she's too busy drooling over someone. My head instantly perks up when I hear a laugh. It wasnt just any laugh, it was his.

"Niall." I whisper, quickly turning around.

There he stood, drink in hand. He caught my glance and started walking over to me. My breathing hitched in my throat and I felt as I was about to pass out. I set my drink down and closed my eyes for a second. When I opened them, there he was.

"Hello there, love." He said to me, his thick Irish accent making me weak.

I give him a blank stare, making him smile that smile I fell in love with. Niall Horan is standing right in front of me trying to make conversation and here I am acting like a freak.

"You don't have to be nervous around me princess. I promise you I'm completely sober right now. So tell me, what is the name that matches that gorgeous face of yours?" Niall asks me, again I feel I'm unable to speak.

"L-Lauren." I stutter out.

"What a beautiful name. It's so lovely to meet you. Dance with me?" He asks, I nod.

He takes my hand and leads me to the middle of the dance floor. I let go of his hand and begin to move my body to the beat of the music against him. Our bodies move in sync from song to song. After dancing through a few songs I walk back over to my beginning spot and pour myself a cup of water.

"So what's going on with you and Niall? You guys are getting feisty out there." Selena giggles.

"Hey, what happens at a New Years party, stays at a New Years party." I wink, sipping on my water and walking back now hearing a slow song.

I look over to see Niall talking to Harry and Liam, I wonder what about. He catches my glance once again and smiles, walking over to me and holding out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" he asks me, making me blush. I smile and take his hand.

We walk back to the dance floor and I hang my arms loosely around his neck as his hands stay on my waist. We move to the music as I lay my head on his chest, enjoying this dream while it lasted. The song slowly came to an end and I looked at the time. 11:55PM.

I walked back over to Selena and sat with her as a huge countdown started on the wall from an overhead. Feeling my phone vibrate, I take it out and unlock it. Seeing a text from Courtney.

Happy New Year! When are you guys coming over?

I quickly replied telling her Selena and I would he over around 12:30. As bad as she wanted to come to the party with us, her parents would kill her if they found out. Selena and I agreed to spend new years day with her so she wouldn't feel left out.

I put my phone back up and heard everyone starting to countdown. I stand up out of my chair and walk closer to everyone, watching the numbers slowly descrease.






"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone yells simultaneously.

I laugh and turn around, about to go back to Selena to tell her we were leaving to Courney's. That's when I felt a pair of soft lips come in contact with mine.

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