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AN: Image attached is what everything at the wedding looks like. OKAY READ!


*One Month Later*

"Are you nervous?" my friend Kat asks me as she curls my hair.

"Of course. It's my wedding day. Who wouldn't be? I'm about to marry Niall James Horan. The love of my life, the man of my dreams.."

"Okay, save the vows for the alter, Lauren." Kat interrupts me making me laugh.

"Okay, your hair is done. And to perfection if I do say so myself!" Kat says excitedly spraying a little hairspray into my hair to finish it off.

"As is your makeup!" Selena says proudly.

"Dress time!" my mother says excitedly as she brings the dress into the room we're in.

She takes the dress out of the bag and hangs it on a hook that's on the wall. I undress and get into the corset with the help of my Bridesmaids. Once the corset is on, I step into the dress and get it on with the help of them also. Who knew getting into a wedding dress was so much. Lastly, my four Bridesmaids has something held in one of their hands.

"Something old" my mother says while clicking a necklace together around my neck that once belonged to her and has been passed down.

"Something new" Kat says handing me my engagement ring to slide on my finger.

"Something borrowed" Courtney says taking a pin out of her hair and clipping it into mine.

"Something blue" Selena says taking a light  blue ribbon and tieing it around my waist into a bow in the back and letting the ribbons fall down the back.

"Oh! We can't forget this!" Kendra says flicking the garter at me. I laugh, shaking my head and slide it up to my thigh. I walk to the full length mirror and look at myself.

"Guys I don't know if I can actually do this. What if I trip, or forget my vows?" I ask, starting to panic.

"Lauren, calm down. It's going to be okay. Niall loves you with everything and on just a few months you guys will have a wonderful baby together. That's all you have to think about through the whole thing." Kat tells me and I nod.

"This dress and corset isn't hurting the baby is it?" I ask, immediately worrying.

"No, honey don't worry. I did make sure with the doctor ahead of time. It's completely fine." my mother assures me and I nod.

I faintly hear the music start playing outside and I start getting butterflies. Niall and his best men are currently walking to the alter and soon all eyes will be on me. I walk out with the others and stand unseen behind the door until it's time for me to walk out. I watch each of my Bridesmaids walk out arm in arm with each best man of Niall's. The music then gets louder, telling me it's my queue. I'm handed my bouquet and I slowly emerge from the hotel. All eyes are on me as I walk down the aisle. The feel of sand between my toes brings back memories of Niall and I at the beach on the road trip, a smile appears on my face at the memories. As I walk to the alter I notice how it's set up. It's an isolated part of the beach. White chairs fill so much of it, with light blue bows ties to the edge of the chairs on the brides side and brown bows on the grooms. The arch Niall is sending under is just beautiful with all of the colors I wanted mixed in. I eventually make it to the alter, giving my bouquet to my maid of honor. I take Niall's hands in mine and look into blue eyes.

"We are gathered here today for the marriage of Lauren and Niall. The couple have decided to write their own vows, brides go first." the preacher says and I nod slightly.

"Niall. My sweet love, Niall. You will never quite understand how much you exactly mean to me. I've been in love with you since 2010 and I'm not ashamed. My friends and I fangirling over every new picture that came out, screaming over concert tickets, crying over rumored girlfriends. You have always meant so much to me and never did I ever imagine I would be standing here in this moment with you right now. I love you oh so much Niall James and that will never ever change." I finish, reaching up to wipe a tear falling from Niall's eye.

"Princess. I'm so glad the guys talked me into going to the new years party because if I didn't, I wouldn't be standing here right now. I know I may never understand how much love you exactly have for me, but I know how much love I have exactly for you and that's all that matters. You and the little one growing inside of you are the most important things in my life in this moment. It doesn't matter how important my music is or when family is a priority, you and little Horan will always have a place in my heart that I'll never forget. Lauren, that night at the party, the new years party. I kissed you at midnight because I knew that I wanted to be your last first kiss." Niall finishes, wiping tears from my cheeks.

"Lauren, do you take Niall to be your  lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Niall, do you take Lauren to be your  lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

We look over at the aisle and I see Theo walking down the aisle holding a pillow with our two rings on it. I smile and take Niall's as he takes mine.

"May this ring forever be to you

the symbol of my growing love." Niall's says as he places the ring on my finger.

"May this ring forever be to you

the symbol of my growing love." I say back to Niall, sliding the ring onto his finger.

"I know prounce you husband, and wife. You may now kiss your bride." Is said and Niall lifts the veil over my head, leaning down his soft lips pressing gently against mine.

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