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"Thank you San Diego! You guys have been amazing!" I say before disappearing from the stage with the others.

The lads and I walk backstage and I start to run to Lauren to give her a hug until I realize she's not there. I run all over the backstage area, even the tour bus. She's no where to be found. I start to panic not knowing where she could  possibly be.

"Mate you okay?" Liam asks.

"Lauren is missing. She's gone and I have no idea where to find her. Where to even start looking" I say in a panic.

"She's probably just back at the hotel or something. I'm sure she's okay." Liam assures me and I nod.

We all travel back to the hotel and I quickly run into the room her and I stay in but she's still no where to be found. I try calling her over and over on  my phone but it just goes to voice mail. I sit with my back against the door and let tears fall, nearly giving up on where she might be.

*Present Time*

A gun shot was sound and I immediately run into the house. I find where everyone is and run to Lauren, one of the agents are helping her up as another one is calling for a paramedic.

He shot her. In the stomach where she's carrying our child. He shot her.

The paramedics come rushing in, picking her up gently and laying her on a gurney. She gets placed in the back of the ambulance that rushes her to the hospital. I get into the SUV I arrived in and rush behind the ambulance not letting it leave my sight. The SUV parks in front of the hospital and I get out, running beside Lauren on the gurney. They hold me back as they take her through the double doors.

"I'm her husband! I swear I'm her husband!" I yell but no one hears. I walk back to the waiting room and pace nervously back and forth.

"Niall. Hey, what happened?" Harry asks as the four of them come running in.

"He shot her. Right in the stomach. They took her through the doors and wouldn't let me in. I have no idea what's going on right now." I answer.

"I'm sure everything will be okay. She's in good hands now." Liam assures me and I nod. We sit down in the waiting room and wait.

*Moment Later*

"Mr. Horan?" the doctor asks as he comes out of the doors. My head quickly bolts up.

"Yes? Is she okay?" I ask.

"Walk with me." he says and I get up. We start walking down the hall towards the room she's in.

"We tried everything we could to not have it come to this. The baby is alive and so is she, but the bullet went through her stomach, breaking the amniotic sac. Unfortunately because of that we have to deliver this baby today. She's too weak to deliver it naturally so we will have to do it by C-Section." the doctor informs me.

"What? No. No its way too early. She's only 6 months pregnant." I say in a panic.

"I know, but if we deliver the baby will have a better chance of living. The baby can't live without being inside the amniotic sac with was broken with the bullet. At this point we have no other  choice." the doctor says. I nod.

I get into the scrubs they tell me to and I walk into the room Lauren is in. She's laying on the hospital bed prepped for the C-Section. She looks up at me with worry in her eyes. I hold her hand and look at her assuringly. Once the baby arrives, they let me cut the umbilical cord and they immediately take the baby away.

*Hours Later*

"How are you feeling?" I ask Lauren as I walk into the room with McDonald's bags in hand.

"I don't know. Physically I feel fine but emotionally I'm a wreck." She answers taking a bag.

"And I'm sorry this messed your tour up." She continues.

"No, you didn't mess anything up" I tell her.

"You cancelled the Pittsburgh concert because of this." She says.

"It was a group choice. You and that child of ours are more important to me than anything. Yeah, of course I love my fans but some things are just more important than work. And this is one of them." I tell her, holding her hand.

"A lot of people traveled for that concert. A long way too. I just feel so bad." She says.

"You shouldn't have to. Sometimes things come up. This is the first show ever we have had to cancel but it was for a good reason. I even told the lads to do the show without me but they wouldn't." I tell her. She sighs and eats the food I got her.

An hour or so later, a doctor walks into the room holding a clipboard. He reads over a couple of papers before sitting in a chair beside the bed so he's facing both of us.

"Mr and Mrs Horan. I can tell you that your daughter is perfectly healthy. She had to stay in intensive care for about two months so her organs and everything fully develops. But she is completely healthy for being born as early as she was." he nods at us and reads another paper before continuing.

"Lauren you are in perfect health and recovery as well. We want you to stay here a week or so just so we know everything is fine. But after that you should he free to go and both of you are welcome to come visit your daughter anytime you'd like between visiting hours." he says before smiling and walking out.

"I know this is going to sound completely selfish. I know there's only a few months of the tour left but I don't think I can do this alone. Waiting at home alone whole my baby is here in intensive care. I just can't." Lauren tells me, tears falling from her eyes.

"Don't cry, darling. It's completely okay I promise. I will stay here with you as long as you need me to. We can put the tour on hold. It'll be a task but it can happen. Fans will understand." I assure her and she nods.

Lauren finishes her food and decides to take a nap. While she's sleeping, I walk back out into the waiting room where the rest of the lads still are.

"Good news. She's okay, the baby is okay. The only thing is, is that the baby has to stay here on the ICU because she was so premature. Doctor said it would be at least two months that the baby would have to stay here. I know that would be close to the end of the tour but Lauren needs me. I can't leave her like this by herself." I tell them and they all nod in agreement.

I thank them for understanding before walking back into the room Lauren is in. I sit next to her and hold her hand. I lean down and press my lips to her forehead.

"I love you so much, Princess."



This chapter was probably super boring and I'm so sorry about that! I feel like it was just rambling. So I'M SORRY.

Also, there's probably only going to be 20 chapters in this story. I tried to stretch it out as far as I could and this seems to be where it's ending. Just a couple more chapters.


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