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"I pronounce to you, Mr and Mrs Niall Horan!" Is said and the music starts again.

Niall and I walk down the aisle followed by the bridesmaids and groomsman. The photographer takes too many photos as we go to where the reception is being held. Everyone gathers and takes a seat at the tables.

"Does anyone have anything to say to the bride and groom?" the host asks.

"Us!" Louis announces and the five boys stand up and walk to the center of the room.

"Oh boy" Niall says under his breath.

"Oh, our sweet, sweet Niall. It was nice knowing ya!" Louis says, Liam immediately hitting his arm.

"What he meant to say was, congratulations. Really, to the both of you. When we all first met Niall, we can all agree that we didn't believe he would be the first one getting married." Liam says.

"I remember him first meeting Lauren. He had just broken up with his girlfriend not long before and it was new years eve. He wanted to just slump around in his room all day but Liam and I talked him into going to a party." Harry starts.

"He was petrified the whole drive there. As soon as he walked in he spotted her and it was like his whole world stopped. He was timid but he finally went over and spoke to her and then when he came back to us he looked at us and said 'Lads, I like her. I think I really like her but I also just met her. Do you think she likes me?' " Liam continues.

" And we answered 'Bro, if she's talking to you and currently starting at you, that's usually a sign she likes yiu' so he went over asked her to dance, made his move at midnight and bam. Look at them now." Harry finishes. The crowd laughs and Niall's face is now the color of a tomato.

"Hey Zayn. How do you feel about Niall beating you to the punch?" Louis asks.

"Well I didn't think it would happen, that's for sure. But I'm happy for you man. Both of you. I know you guys both love one another unconditionally and once perrie and I get married, I'll be awaiting some embarrassing speech you guys provide."  Zayn says as they sit back in their seats.

"If no one else has anything to say, I do believe the newlyweds have an announcement they would like to make." the host says.

Niall and I nod, and stand up. Walking to the middle where the lads had just stood. I look up at Niall and he smiles assuringly, holding my hand and rubbing his thumb over the top of it.

"We have news that only our families and close friends know. But for those of you who don't know, Niall and I are expecting. And no we didn't get married for the sake of the baby, we got married because we love each other oh so much and we'll be getting a house together soon. It's a better environment and a new start for the both of us." I say with a smile as everyone claps.

"Well done. Cake time everyone!" the host rushes.

Niall and I walk over to the cake. I grab the knife and he puts his hand over mine. We slowly cut out a piece of cake and set it on a plate. I go to get a fork, but instead Niall shoves a piece of cake into my mouth with his fingers, getting it all over my face. I giggle and to the same to him. He takes my hand and licks some cake off of my finger seductively.

"Okay, save it for the honeymoon!" Kat yells making everyone laugh.

Niall leans in and kisses me, making me giggle once more. We clean our faces off with napkins. Soft music starts playing and the lights dim. We walk to the center of the room and dance. My arms are wrapped Niall neck as his arms are wrapped around my lower back. We never break eye contact until he spins me, I am now facing the way he is. My back is to his stomach, his arms around my waist and we're holding hands with my arms crossed. Niall leans down and kisses my cheek.

"I never got a chance to tell you how beautiful you look tonight." he whispers into my way before spinning me again and putting me in the position we started in.

"Well I can definitely say the same about you." I whisper back with a smile. He leans down and kisses me once again. The music slowly fades away and we stop dancing as everyone applaudes.

"Okay. All of the single ladies come line up behind the bride." the host announces as she hands me my bouquet.

All of my girlfriends line up behind me and I smile before facing my back to them and throwing my bouquet over my head. I turn around to see it landed right in Kat's hands.

"Third time's a charm" She says winking to Liam. She laughs and walks back to her table.

"Okay Niall, your turn." I say and I sit in a chair and bend my leg out.

Niall comes over and bends down in front of me. He reaches his hands up my dress before finding what he's looking for. He slides the garter down my leg and pulls it off. I move out of the way as all the lads walk up and stand behind him. Niall holds it behind his head and flicks it behind him. He turns around to see it Liam's hand.

"Looks like we're getting married next." Liam whispers to Kat, kissing her cheek making her giggle.

"Okay everyone. We hate cutting this party short but we have a plane to catch." Niall announces.

"Plus, the baby is making me tired. Don't forget to leave notes or pictures or anything in our book sitting on the back table so we can take a trip down memory lane in the future. Don't worry we will keep all of you updated about the little one. Thank you so much to everyone who came!" I say before Niall picks me up and carries me out.

We get into the back of a limo that drives us to an airport. Niall grabs our prepacked bags and walks onto the jet, me following. He puts our bags in the overhead compartments and we slowly take off.

"I need to get out of this dress." I say, walking into the back. I hear Niall follow.

"Let me help." he says

He unzips my dress and helps me slide it off. I put it back into its bag and hang it on the wall. Niall works on the ties in the corset for a whole before finally getting it undone. I pull it off and breathe a sigh of relief. Niall stands beside me, his arms wrapped around my waist. He kisses my cheek, jawbone, collarbone and then my shoulder.

"I can't believe I can finally call you my wife." he whispers.

"I can't believe I can now call myself Mrs. Horan." I whisper back.

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