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*Two Weeks Later*

"Can you guys come over like ASAP? It's an emergency." I send out in a group text to Selena and Courney.

I stand in the living room, pacing back and forth not sure what to do until they get here. Just before I'm about to text them again, they barge in through the front door.

"Lauren what's going on?" Selena asks, curiosity in both of their eyes.

"I'm late." I say quietly, slowly looking up at them. They both have confused looks.

"Late for what?" Courtney asks.

"No. I mean, I'm late." I say again, emphasising late. They're eyes suddenly widen, understanding what I mean.

"You don't think you're.. You know?" Selena asks and I shrug.

"I hope I'm not, but it's what I'm afraid of." I say, sitting on the couch.

"Where are your parents? Have you told Niall or anyone?" Courtney asks.

"My parents are out of town. You guys are the first to know. I don't want to tell Niall until I know for sure. I just don't know what to do." I say.

"We'll run down to the drug store and buy you a test, okay? Don't worry, we're here for you." Selena says as they both hug me before leaving.

I sit on the couch and look through the pictures on my phone of Niall and I on the road trip. I smile at how happy we look together, and how quickly that all could change in a matter of months. I wipe a tear falling from my eye. Selena and Courtney walk through my front door once again, breaking my train of thought.

"We got you two boxes, two tests in each box. Just so we know for sure." Selena says and I nod, taking the boxes into the bathroom. I walk out after half an hour and sit back onto the couch.

"I'm pregnant." I say, tears spilling from my eyes. My two friends, immediately at my side.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do. I know I need to go to the doctor but I can't by myself. I can't tell my parents, not yet anyway." I say through my tears.

"Can't you go to the doctors without your parents knowing? I mean you're over 16." Selena says.

"I mean, I guess we could try. The least they could do is not take me." I say and they nod. I grab my things and we get into the car. I drive to the doctors and walk inside, signing in.

We sit side by side in chairs and watch people come and go from the office. I watch mothers interact with their kids, knowing that'll be me shortly. Soon, it's just the three of us in the waiting room.

"Lauren? We're ready for you." the nurse smiles and I stand up, walking with her to a room. "The doctor should be in shortly" she says after checking my weight and blood sugar and everything.

"Lauren. It's nice to see you. What brings you in here by yourself today?" the doctor asks as she sits in her chair.

"Um.. I think I might be pregnant. I missed a period so my friends got me a couple tests and they came out positive.  I didn't want to tell my parents just yet and this is the only place I knew where to turn." I say.

"You came to the right place. I promise I can keep this between us if you'd like to." she says and I nod.

"Okay, well I'm just gonna take some blood work and that confirm it or not. I'll be right back." she says as she leaves the room.

The nurse walks in minutes later. She ties a rubber band around my upper arm. She cleans the area on my arm before drawing blood. She takes the needle out and replaces it with a bandaid before leaving the room. I sit for what feels like forever before the doctor comes in with a clipboard.

"So Lauren I've got news. And it can be good or bad, however you want to take it. The blood tests confirm you're pregnant. Nearly 3 weeks along. I'm going to prescribe you prenatal vitamins and write down some websites you can visit that tell you what you should and should not eat, everything you need to know for the next nine months. Call me if you need anything." she says, handing me a piece of paper. I nod and thank her, walking out.

"What happened?" The girls ask as soon as I get into the main room.

"My suspicions were correct." I say, walking out and to the car.

"What are you gonna do?" Courtney asks.

"I'm keeping it if that's what you're asking. I'm gonna tell Niall as soon as I can, hopefully before he leaves for tour  and when the time comes, I'll tell my parents." I explain and they nod.

I drop them off at their homes before going to mine. I walk inside seeing my parents still aren't home. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I walk up to my room and change into sweats and a t-shirt. I lay on bed and dial Niall's number.

"Hey princess." Niall says in a tired raspy voice.

"I completely forgot about time zones. I'm so sorry for waking you." I tell him.

"Really it's okay. Waking up in the middle of the night seeing your name on my phone is the best thing I could ever ask for." he says making me giggle.

"Well, I called because I wanted to ask you something. Is there any way I could see you before you went on tour? Just for like a day, I promise it won't be long. There's just something I need to tell you in person."



Just to clear it up. I know it takes like a month to have your first symptom on pregnancy and the blood results take a couple weeks. I'm going to school for this stuff, so I do know my info about babies!

And thanks for over 100! It's honestly not a lot, but it means a lot to me.

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