Halloween Ch.8

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(Y/n) POV:

Today's Halloween. I really don't think that this place needs any decorating since it's spooky enough. Well they did change the floating candles to jack-o'-lanterns which does have a nice touch to the dining hall.

I made it to Potions class. Snape as usual taking away points from Gryffindor by little things and we all are going to do a potion with partners. I was going to choose Ron or Harry since both of them aren't too good at potions and I am a little since I studied a thing or two through summer.

Until- "I'll be choosing your partner and no it won't be from your house," - Prof. Snape had other plans in mind to torture us all.

Well actually I'm fine with all the Slytherins. Especially Pansy, even though I can't understand why she has a small crush on Draco, she is still cool and fun to hangout with. Though I know damn well Harry and Ron are going to have a hard time since they are kind of stereotyping the Slytherins as bad dark wizards. I'm just exaggerating, but still it is kind of like that with other houses too. Well not Hufflepuffs for some reason.

I wasn't paying much attention so I pulled myself out of the clouds to focus, "Ms. Hagrid and Mr. Malfoy over here." Snape pointed to where Draco's sitting where next to him laid an empty chair since Blaise moved to sit next to Harry. 'Well, I'm screwed!' I thought.

Without saying a thing just to not lose points, I 'kindly' walked over to Draco with my things and moved my chair a little but more farther away from him. I heard Crumb cackle on my pocket because he has been teasing me about thinking I have a thing on Draco since I hate him. I just slapped my pocket like there was a fly making Crumb sqweal. Draco jumped at the noise but ignored it.

"We'll be doing a potion project that I'll give you two months to complete, it would end right to the last day of school for all of you to start Christmas break. So I want each and one of you to behave with your partner." He looked at Harry, Ron, and me. I may have joined Fred and George on their small pranks on some Slytherins so maybe that's why.

He continued, "You all have permission from Prof. McGonagall and me for visiting each other to your common dorm to proceed your project through three to five p.m., but if any you are just going to mess around they'll lose permission to do so."

"Now, we are making floral sanitatem, can heal plants from any type of poison. It's ingredients are tricky which is why I give two months for all of you to take tries in case it comes out horrendous, and when you fail I'll like for you all to note down what you think gone wrong," He passed out everyone two parchments, one of the ingredients and the recipe for the potion.

"So it's like a science project but no science and science fair, nice," I said luckily for Snape not to hear but Draco did. "A what now?" He turned to me confused. "Science?" it didn't seem to ring his bell. "It's kind of like Astronomy?" he just nodded as if I'm crazy and turned to the ingredients list. Okay not going to lie he looks sort of cute with that confused face. "You know what nevermind."

The ingredients are strange actually; elf weed, lacewing flies, leeches, moon flower pedals, frozen rose pedals, hippogriff's feather, belladonna flower, and purified water. Of course Snape will give us a tricky potion to work on.

"This is kind of simple actually," Draco said all off a sudden. I just looked at him giving him a 'don't you even try' look. I'm just so tired to deal with others knowing more than me like Hermione, even though we do study together in our common rooms.

When he saw me with that face he just immediately changed the subject not bothered of my attitude, "Right, I'll go get the ingredients all ready for us." He got up casually to the herb closet. And I thought I saw a slight smile come across his face when he got up.

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