Through The Trapdoor Ch. 12

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(Y/n) Pov:

Tonight's the night, in our prediction, that Snape will get the sorcerers stone. We all couldn't let that happen so we've decided to overcome Fluffy through that trapdoor. Yet we could get expelled but of course Harry just doesn't give a damn so I'm just helping out since I know he doesn't even have a clue about anything but just goes to do it anyway. 'Be friends with Harry,' they said, 'it'll be fun,' they said.

Through the halls we went all covered under Harry's invisibility cloak, well for me I only stayed under for like about two minutes just because of how crowded it was that's difficult to walk around with. So I just stayed in animagi also being in stealth mode gliding through the dark halls. It was actually useful with alarming them if filch was there with my great impressions of a pigeon, phoenixes can do that for some reason.

We all made it through the halls and now made it to Fluffy. Bad news is they have already fallen asleep with a harp playing in the corner, it's good but that means Snape has come earlier than expected.

"Alright then, here goes nothing," as we moved their huge paws away from the trapdoor carefully as Fluffy snores loudly. Harry decided to go in just so to see what's though I wanted to come with him to help him in any situation. Honestly Harry wouldn't even last without any knowledge that Hermione and I have, he doesn't even know one defense spell.

Now I know why Harry's best friend is Ron.

With a soft FLUMP on our landing, it first felt as a plant underneath us. "It's okay!" Harry called out, "it's a soft landing, you can jump!" With that Ron came right. Took Hermione awhile but she managed.

I then realise this isn't any ordinary plant at all as it started to wrap around us all, Harry and Ron started to try to get out of its grasp but completely failed. The look of the leaves I've seen from our Herbology book and the teachings of Professor Sprout made me remember that this is Devils Snare, and by the look of Hermione she just remembered as well.

"No wait, stop moving!" I yelled. Hermione chimed in, "this is Devils Snare, if you stop moving it will leave us alone!" "Oh, I'm so glad we know what it's called, that's a great help," Ron snarled. That really just annoyed me so I couldn't help but yell back, "oh yeah no problem, NOW SHUT UP AND STOP MOVING!!"

That did startled Ron and Harry that they stopped, it worked but when Hermione and I got off of Devils Snare it made those two even more panicked. "Oh boy they really won't stop would they," I said as Hermione helped me get up from the ground.

"Devils Snare, Devils Snare, what did professor say?-" "-she said they like to be on the dark and damp, so let's light it up!" I said about to grab my wand until I heard her said, "yeah- of course-but there's no wood!" She cried out. At this point she just lost her mind to forget she's a witch... "HAVE YOU GONE MAD? ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT?" Ron bellowed as I was trying my hardest not to laugh so hard right now. Hermione snapped out of it and said, "oh, right!" Whipping out her wand muttering a spell making a huge explosion of bluebell flames at the Devils Snare.

Both of the boys had gotten out of the plant. "Lucky you two pay attention in Herbology," Harry said as him and Ron got themselves off the ground. "It's better that you two could have at least pay attention of the simplest defense spells too you know, I don't even believe you'll survive without us," I said in disbelief with Hermione beside me agreeing.

Both of those goons just pretended they didn't pay attention and changed the subject on moving on to the next challenge. Of course they would, should've helped Ron instead of letting him copy my homework.

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