First Year Complete Ch. 13

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(Short ending of first year)

(Y/n)'s Pov:

Last day of school, no more essays due, no more random terrible scary signs of Voldemort coming back. Though My first year didn't seem so bad, at least I didn't die.

Well my friends and I are now kind of popular now because of the whole thing of saving the sorcerers stone from Voldemort, when to our surprise it was actually Professor Quirrell that helped the dark lord this whole time not Snape. 

Though I don't care about fame, all that's going on my mind is about summer. I can now owl my friends as they gave me their addresses, maybe even visit them if I could with Hagirds permission, and I can spend time with my wild friends after all that school work taking away my time to spend with them. Sure I have to still help out Hagrid with some of the chores to keep the school all tidy up for next year but I don't care, it's my home that I love after all.

Hermione and I are still at our dorms chatting sharing our plans of our summer while I helped her pack making sure not to miss anything. We both are in our muggle clothes because we didn't have to where our school robes anymore, though I wore my Gryffindor sweater for how comfy it is. I have done my packing and nothing to worry about since I technically live here. When she was done I helped her by carrying her trunk as we went down stairs where Ron and Harry are waiting for us to get to the great hall for breakfast. "Took you two long enough," Ron said getting up impatient when it comes to being only two minutes late for breakfast.

"We were only making sure if she has everything so she won't be forgetting it here," I answered walking out all together to the great hall. "Well you can just owl her if she left something, you do live here," "Yeah I know but it may take long and stuff, also if was something heavy and big I wouldn't risk Artemis struggling with it so much." Ron then nodded agreeing my statement.

After that we ate breakfast with Fred and George, both of them mostly sat next to me because they were secretly asking me for anymore ideas for more pranks next year. Neville joined us too when it took him awhile to find Trevor again. Everyone passed out some notes to us warning us to not use magic outside of school grounds. "I always hope they'll forget to give us these," grumbled Fred.

Dumbledore was at it again with his words of wisdom and speech as we all were about to leave saying his goodbyes to us. Hagrid lead us to the fleet boats to get to the Hogwarts express. After we made it we came a little too early so we still had time to hang out as we wait. I luckily brought my old polaroid so we all took some pictures and duplicating them so my friends can have theirs for memories. The Weasleys were confused to see the pictures don't move at all and told me their Father, Arthur Weasley will be fascinated with this discovery so they asked me if I could take another picture but with only the Weasleys for him which I thought was cute.

Everything was going well until of course the chill was over because now Hermione and Ron are back to acting like an old couple. Harry and I decided to let them be so we talked at a nearby bench a bit away from the crowd.

As usual Harry is the awkward type to converse with, but it gives him some time for him to feel comfortable with people. I am really the luckiest people to be his friend.

"-Hey, do you think you'll get to teach me how to play Quidditch next year? It'll be real easier for me to learn from the best," I asked. He bashfully rubbed the back of his neck blushing, "sure but honestly Oliver Wood is great at explaining too, I'm still new to this you know." "Yeah you're right, but he seems too over the game, thinking we'll be the best than the Harpies or Montrose Magpies," I said as I remembered the time Oli was a complete push over in there practices when I came to the field for a visit.

As we still talked about Quidditch, Draco came up to us making Harry completely serious and silent. Draco was hesitant at first to speak but continued, "Hi, I know I was a complete idiot alright, and I'm sorry for what I have called Ron on our first day." 

Harry just stood up just to stay in the same level as him, "what makes you change your mind?" "Well, I didn't really knew all of you well, and I shouldn't have judge people without knowing them in the first place." Harry really just crossed his arms, by the looks of it he seems to think this was a whole lie. Knowing Draco he would be stubborn to admit he's wrong, but I'm pretty surprised he is finally apologizing after a million of times I tried to convince him to. 

"Did you apologize Ron too? I'm not the one you should say sorry to," Harry said with respond Draco nodded. there is still the same tension going on and I rolled my eyes and just decided to end this stupid rival, as what Fred would say, "just trying to diffuse the tension." (Too early but I just love this quote so much so deal with it!)

"Just forgive each other already!" I said leaving them turning to me all wide eyed. "Don't look at me, you two made this more weird on your on your own not me," they still just hated each other. I just whined tired of this, "come on, a little forgiving never hurt anybody, is it really too much to ask for?" I just placed my hands on there shoulders as I stood beside them both. They still looked pretty annoyed at my suggestion. Normally I would just try to let them have progress on being friends on their own, but sometimes you just need a little push to get things done. Harry finally took out his hand to shake Draco's hand. 

Draco looked at it then back at him, he then looked at me for a second as I just stood there smiling like a complete buffoon. He sighed and took Harry hand, "see? It isn't that hard was it!" They really didn't get along too much yet but it still counts. "OH! You know what I want to remember this forever so we're taking picture!" I said gleefully grabbing my polaroid from the bench.

"Um, how are you even going to take it with no one to help out? And what the bloody hell of a camera is that!?" Draco said looking at my camera over my shoulder. "This is just another of my childhood muggle gadgets I have, and there's a timer I can put to take by the photo by itself," I said as I place it down the bench standing a little back to get us in the whole frame. Draco was just lost of what's going on, and Harry was awkwardly standing there. I scoffed, "do I really have to do all the work here?"

I pulled them both close beside me wrapping my arms around their necks and told them to smile and pose right on time when the flash went off. As I grabbed my camera that printed the picture to see how it turned out, all I see is just me with my best smile I could make with Harry just smiled like he normally does and Draco just smiling confusingly. 

"It's perfect!" I said laughing at Draco's face so did Harry as both of them looked at it over my shoulders. "It isn't I look terrible! Also do muggle pictures don't move at all?" "Yeah they don't move, here let me duplicate them for you guys," I pulled out my wand making the one photo to three photos. Harry still chuckling at Draco's face in it, Draco looked at his with his nose all wrinkled, "why would I want to keep a photo of my worst face?" I answered, "because it's the little things that matter in life, maybe when we are old and wrinkly as raisins we will really appreciate this picture of our first year more than we do today," I said. 

Draco was about to say something else, but was interrupted by the train whistle of the Hogwarts express. Well it finally came and everyone is getting on ready to go. "Well I'll be sure to owl you two about my up coming dangerous, stupid, and fun adventures I'll have this summer!" I gave them both another hug one by one. "See you next year, (Y/n)," Draco said with the sweetest smile he had ever offer me, including Harry with his cute smile as he said his goodbye to me. I hugged all my other friends goodbye before they all went on the train leaving only me and Hagrid waving to them all as the train moved to bringing everyone home.


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