Weasley Chaos Ch. 14

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(Y/n) Pov:

I woke up to the yelling of Molly with Fred and George from what I'm guessing is from another prank they pulled off. What a way to start a beautiful morning with the Weasleys am I right?

I get to stay at their burrow for the last week of summer, and when we go shopping for our school supplies tomorrow, Hermione and Harry will join us. That is if there's a way to convince his uncle to let him join with us.

I got off the spare bed they left for me in Ginny's room to get ready for the day. All I wore is just a Queen t-shirt and some old jeans that I have doodled random stuff on with sharpies, I do that a lot when I'm bored. (hair is up in a messy ponytail if long, just let down messy if short, or how ever hairstyle you want)

Right when I made it to the dining area I can smell the great aroma of pancakes and bacon placed neatly on the table. Looking around is the usual beautiful sight of the living room all lightened up by the sunlight through the windows. Everything here is just so comforting, even the faded yelling through through the walls up stairs from Molly with Fred and George just laughing hysterically with Ginny completely done which I could guess they pranked her. But all that haphazard is somehow comforting to me, I really can't explain it.

Ron came in later as I dig in my breakfast, honestly he looked more tired than me. "Morning, ginger," I said passing him the syrup. He groaned as a response and eat his breakfast, Percy came in next then the whole rest of the family came in. "Oh, you two are lucky enough for me to still offer you breakfast- Good morning, dears," Molly came in with her usual kind gestures.

Everyone's nice here, well of course Fred, George, and Ron is nice because I knew them in Hogwarts. Except Percy, he sort of hates me with Fred and George for some pranks pulled on him, but he is still nice. 

One thing that's weird though is Ginny, not to be that kind of person but she acts all uncomfortable when I'm around. Especially when I talked just a bit with animals around here and when I talk about Harry teaching me how to play Quidditch or just things we had done at Hogwarts. Only thing that bothers her the most is when I showed her the polaroid pictures I took that involves me next to Harry. I tried not to think about it too much.

Not to mention Harry not responding to any of our letters. I asked Hermione if he answered hers, but turns out he didn't. Maybe it's because of his Uncle Vernon being a jerk again.

I really would like to meet Bill, I mean who wouldn't for crying out loud, he studies dragon which that's just the coolest thing ever! I would really love to add some of the cool things about them in my journal and sketch some the dragons on it like I'm an magizoologist just like Newt Scamander.

Mr. Weasley came in all tired but happy to see all of us, "Morning everyone." He came up to Mrs. Weasley giving her a little small kiss on the cheek then took a seat as Molly placed his meal to him. "So how did it go with work, Dad?" asked Percy as he took another bite of his pancakes. Arthur responded, "Well nothing of the unusual didn't happen this time, just stayed in the office doing paper work."

Molly sat joining us at the table with her own meal about to dig in. I was done with mine and just got up to wash up my plate even there's a spell to do itself, I just wasn't really used to magic doing little things. I just wanted to make myself useful. "Ah yes, I was just wondering, (Y/n) dear, how do glue guns work? I found one as I passed by one of the muggles stores," he asked all cheerful to learn. He loves to ask me a lot of questions about the muggle world I grew up in.

"Uh, well um, for sure they don't work the same as the normal guns," I said as I sat back down the table as I continued. "You have to add those weird sticks which when the gun is on it'll melt the stick into glue, you have to work fast with it because it dries up easily and careful to not burn your finger cause it's hot. It's really helpful on fixing some things or can be used for projects." "Fascinating," I heard him say. Arthur is never bored when I talk to him about the muggle life, it's pretty fun to have someone who is actually interested into little things of the 'normal' life.

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