The Ministry of Magic Ch.3

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Y/n Pov:

Hagrid brought us to the Ministry of magic and it is incredibly beautiful even though it was crowded.

There were flying paper airplanes everywhere flying crumb for some reason tried get on one of them though he slipped and fell.

Soon enough we made made it to an door with a sign saying "muggle-born registration commission". I don't know what will happen next but I trust Hagrid even though crumb keeps yelling a me and getting attention from people around us again. Hagrid doesn't seem to be fased at all as if this is normal.

As we entered, there was a woman with red hair and lunar glasses and I see from her golden name tag her name is Natalie Sphinx. She didn't seem to notice us since she is still facing down to her paperwork.

I looked around and see bookshelves filled with strange books like Break with a banshee, Holidays with Hags, Year with the Yeti, etc. they're all written by Gilderoy Lockhart, she must be a fan of him then. Though one book got my attention called Fantastic Beasts and where to Find Them by Newt Scamander.

But what got my attention more is the paintings, not because of my passion in art but that they move! One of them shows a knight caring his horse and may have accidently drop a horse shoe making a loud clang, then the other shows a woman with blonde hair and auburn colored eyes wearing a pink dress with white dots all over.

The knight and blondette turn their attention to me, making my anxiety levels to increase I stood slightly behind Hagrid just to see what's going on.

Suddenly Hagrid spoke up, "Sorry 'bout the intrusion Mrs. Sphinx,-" she looked up noticing us,"-but there seems to be a mistake of a witch being in a muggles orphanage," he gestured me to the sight of Mrs. Sphinx.

Her head up facing me gives a good look of her face, rosy cheeks brown eyes, and a sweet patient smile when she saw me and Hagrid. "May I ask how old are you and your name?" Mrs. Sphinx asked me with a gentle and reassuring voice.

"My name is (y/n)(l/n), and I'm eight years old." I said suddenly confident to talk firmly now. Mrs. Sphinx took notes and was looking at another paper for something I couldn't tell. 

"There's really really something off about this some called wizarding world, (y/n/n)," Crumb climbed up from my pocket for a minute looking around curious too. The blondette screeched all of a sudden, making Mrs. Sphinx looking up alert.

"What is it darling?" Mrs. Sphinx asked standing up full alert. The blondette pointed directly at my pocket where Crumb is poking out his head see. Mrs. Sphinx looked at me genlty and asked, "brought a friend with you also?" I aggressively shoved Crumb in my pocket so they won't see him again,"I-I'm sorry, I just can't really leave him and neither can he leave m-me".

I expected to be kicked out because of my stupidity, but instead she just laughed a little and said "Don't worry, Bella here is just not a fan of mice," she sighed for a moment and then said," I remembered the times when I pranked her on our twentieth anniversary, she hated me for it for just two whole days."

"You... were married." I turned to the painting then finally noticing a label saying 'Bella Sphinx, 1936-1968' , she's still frightened by Crumb but calmed a bit. "Yeah we were, not until that incident happened" She said. I looked back at her with guilt of bring this subject in the first place.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I stopped when Mrs. Sphinx raised her hand in gesture of me to stop. "Don't push it, I sick of the 'I'm sorry for your loss', 'she didn't deserve to die early', blah blah," she said surprisingly not even a hint of anger or sadness in her response. Man I could move on that easily like her. "by the way you can stay with your friend in your pocket but be sure know one knows 'kay." she then finished her sentence with a wink. I nodded to let her know that I will.

"Now, the research of your family tree isn't in our worlds documents in which we can suspect you are a muggle-born, though Hagrid how can you be sure she isn't a muggle?" She turned to Hagrid. Hagrid explained about me entering in the leaky cauldron suddenly when muggles don't really see the sign only ones with magic in their blood. He also mentioned my ability of talking to animals and my abnormal events I had lately.

Great, so much for being a unordinary child. Not to mention me about to get in trouble for coming to the orphanage late.

Mrs. Sphinx took a moment to process the information Hagrid just brought up. She spoke up again, " We haven't had any witches or wizards that talk to animals for years." she then gets up to grab a book from of the shelves though it isn't one of the books from Gilderoy Lockhart, but a huge book to which I guess it's full of all family history. I'm not a genius.

She ran her finger through the whole page down until-"Ah, I see, turns out there is little magic history in your family but they just didn't mention it at all." she turned the book facing towards us now to read where her finger is. I looked and saw she's pointing to a name 'Edward (l/n)'. 

"I knew I recognized that name somewhere, he was one of few witches and wizards in history that can talk to animals. He then married a muggle and which they had a son your grandfather, turns to be a squib though." She said reading through a document of Edward.

I asked what's a squib and they said that wizard-born is a non-magical person who is born to a at least one magical parent. I'm so glad I finally get to finally know my family history at least. So to there thought of me being a muggle-born or a half-blood, does that really mean I can get a better and understandable life now?

"But since your grandfather became a squib, there must have been a mistake of us thinking they're muggles which explains why you were placed in a muggle orphanage," Mrs. Sphinx then explained. I stood there for a moment thinking, then I asked, "what would happen now since y'all found out I'm a witch?"

"Well... um uh," By the looks of it, I'm probably still staying at that same orphanage in and there really is no point in me going to snitch on the orphans there who bully me. So then I just told them that I know how adoption works, well only things that I understand for a eight year old could. 

"Uh right, why don' yeh stay at the waiting room for a minute. Natalie and mehself are goin' to chat a bit," Hagrid said. I nodded as a respond and headed out of the office to the waiting room where there are more paintings and magazines with movement also. I sat down in a scarlet red fancy couch grabbing one of the magazines from the coffee table just to see moving pictures. 

Crumb then suddenly came out of my pocket climbing up to my shoulder to see too. "How in the demonic curse are the pictures moving?" Crumb said, I don't even bother to answer his question when I don't know either. "What do you know, I'm friends with a real witch, explains why you talk to animals," Me thinking now I'm a witch feels weird, and now my point of view is going to change. 

I look at the clock to see it's seven thirty, I'm pretty sure the orphanage hasn't noticed I'm gone but they will at eight fifty so I still got time. The painting moving looks satisfying, especially when they can walk to a different frame when they want to pass by a talk even thought I can't hear what they're saying because of there soft talking. Just learned a little bit about Hogwarts from the daily prophet, saying some random stuff of dumbledore doing something something school stuff but with magic I guess. 

Mrs. Sphinx came out with Hagrid behind her showing that she's more smaller than Hagrid. She told me to lead them to the orphanage I live in, I guess they're dropping me off.

Though then again, they may change my whole life forever.

(Hey, can any of you guys help me what house we should be sorted in, I thought of Gryffindor but then there's Hufflepuff since y/n has a passion of animals like Newt Scamander and Slytherin so what should it be?)

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