Trip to Diagon Alley with The Boy Who Lived Ch.5

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(why did I make the chapter name a cringe -_-, also I'm making this a little quicker cause I want to get into the real plot here so +*time skip*+)

Y/n Pov:

+*Three years Later*+

"Take it eas' there, " said Hagrid with a concern and reasureing voice. He's teaching me how to befriend a Hippogriff right now, I'm scared though excited.

"Alrigh' good, now bow ter' buckbeak," I did as I was told and took him a bit to be comfortable with me, but he managed. Now I then get closer to him to about to pet him and he let me, Hagrid said Hippogriffs aren't easy to be friends with but I'm can talk to animals so I think they're not that type of a challenge for me. 

I heard Hagrid applauding me from behind me yelling 'well done', and 'work of art'. This is my fifth magical creature I've seen in person and studied a bit about since I have been adopted, and I'm telling I ain't complaining at all.

So now after Hagrid got to teach me how to ride a Hippogriff, I did my choirs of little simple things for Hogwarts and Normal things all kids do like cleaning their room, and Hagrid has to does his usual, helping the Hogwarts. Then for free time I went back to getting to be used to my new Animagus form, I've been wanting to become a Animagus since I read it from one of my books so I worked hard throughout the whole month. Turns out being one is rare so its very uniuoqe for a young girl to be one.

My form is a phoenix, and an Animagus takes time to process to getting used to, so I just do it everyday to get comfortable. 

So I just flew around for awhile at the Forbidden Forest with Artemis then came back to the hut playing around with Fang, a huge black Neapolitan Mastiff but it's has familiar looks of a boarhound. Artemis flew to a nearby tree branch for a nap and Crumb is just running around inside the hut as a normal house mouse would.

Our game is kinda like tag but also like hitting a piñata which is me flying up and down and Fang just trys to catch me but still careful. He then decided to stop playing for a water break, so I just turned back to my normal self and gave him a bowl of water.

As I gave Fang his bowl, I noticed two owls coming in our way, each dropped their letter landing right my lap.

I check the letters and they both have yellowish envelopes, green writing addresses, and Hogwarts cachets, one to Hagrid and one to me. This is my first letter to ever have, and if this is from Hogwarts and it's for me, then something's up.

 When I pulled up my letter and read:

Dear Ms. Hagrid,

    We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely, 

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

Nothing then came to my mind at that and all I did was scream in joy. Artemis woke up almost fallen off her tree branch she's in, Fang whined in pain with his sensitive ears, and Crumb is just still inside looking through the window. I noticed all of them looking at me and apologized for my unexpected respond.

But couldn't help but jump around like a baby Niffler who found it's first gold nugget. It took me awhile to calm down a bit, but I managed.

Hagrid came back with more wood for our fireplace. I came up to him saying I got my letter to Hogwarts which he was happy for me making him ruffle up my hair making it messy as his.

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