Slytherin Common Room Ch.9

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(Y/n) Pov:

After the Halloween events, Hermione seemed to get along better with us. Not to mention that it's Ron's fault but we aren't going to talk about that. I had a my wrist twisted but it isn't bad only needs to be patched up that's all. Good thing it isn't my (L or R) arm meaning getting behind on my school work. And Hagrid was none stop worrying about me when he heard what I've done, but he then was proud of me for having the courage to stop it from hurting any of my friends even though I failed.

Hermione, Ron, Harry and me are doing our homework together. No, we aren't copying our work, just helping each other. Hermione helped us the most.

"Why does transfiguration homework have to be so hard," Ron whined. I responded, "because someone didn't pay attention, comes to class late, and sleeps on studying sessions." At this I Harry snorted, Hermione next to him hold back her laugh while smiling as well. Ron mumbled my words in a annoyed way. I got him right back at him by hitting him at the back of his head with a nearby book making a face expression of Snape's with a impression of his voice saying, "twenty points off of Gryffindor."

We all joked around while doing our homework. Hermione is the only one focusing more to try to ignore my stupid jokes and impressions. But I know she really wanted to have some fun.And Crumb was relaxing near me as I did my homework. I checked the time seeing it being three thirty releasing that today's the day we start to visit our partners or they visit us.

"Well I gotta pack up the ingredients for Potions, Draco has told me I'll be visiting him for the Floral Sanitatem," packing some of little ingredients as I spoke and gently placing Crumb in my pocket as always. "Oh yeah, great," Ron instanting slammed his head down to the table covered in so many homework parchments. "Oh don't be so dramatic, maybe once you get to know Theo maybe he isn't really so bad. Also I'm coming with you, Pansy's asked me to visit her," Hermione said getting up.

"Ron and I are staying here since we agreed that our partners visit us today," Harry said while just leaving Ron there depressed to just set up the place on a different table. "Well Ron behave and do anything stupid, we'll be right back," by that Hermione and I left them both with our bags half filled of some needed ingredients.

Hermione by my side, we end up at a stretch of stone wall to the Hogwarts Dungeons. "Pure-blood." The doors opened to let us all in as we passed through.

It was amazing yet creepy. Everything looked a little grey and lighted up with candle lighting and from the windows with green viewing. The view of the windows got my attention because it shows the sea life since we are in a Dungeon.

I've noticed that some first year Gryffindors are here too concentrating hard, so I focused back at looking for Draco. Hermione already left when she saw Pansy. 

I walked around to explore a little while searching. It took time until I spotted Draco sitting in the floor reading Fantastic Beasts while waiting for me with everything ready next to one of the huge windows of the green looking sea with a marble column carved smoothly with a snake at the center.

Not going to lie, but the way Draco just sits there with the slight soft bright green light looks way too attractive for some reason. I walked up to him still focused on the book. I quietly leaned over to his shoulder to noticed he was reading a chapter about phoenixes.

Moving on, I sat at the floor at the opposite side of Draco pulling out the ingredients. "You seem a little out of the league to be interested about phoenixes," he just scoffed and said sarcastically, "thank you very much for that unnecessary comment." He closed his book putting away, he then noticed my hand all patched up. He looked worried and asked, "that's wasn't from the troll incident, or is it?"

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