Chapter Sixteen

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The ice quickly covered us as the temperatures dropped. The ground hardened and the sand that once slipped away under our feet, disappeared, becoming ice and stone.

The whole scenery changed, into snow-covered valleys surrounded by mountains. It became all the eyes could see.

Don't listen to the devil's friends. They want to hurt you, they lie. Lies. Remember they all lie. Monsters lie.

Do not fear, don't fear them. You are strong. Quiet your fear. Quiet.

You need to be smart because you are weak. Weak. You're weak. Listen to me. I won't lie. I never lie.


I never lie.

Xander trailed ahead and I kept my head low from the frosted wind, following the footprints he left in the snow. I had never felt cold like this. The desert didn't have seasons, it never changed from just being sand, stone, and the scolding hot sun.

This was unbearable. The icy wind almost made it impossible to see and my body was shaking violently before any of the others felt a thing.

Mayra noticed my struggle and put an arm around my shoulders, helping me forwards. Soon I felt her begin to shake too.

I can feel your weakness, don't fall for it. Elora, listen to me. Do not.

It's okay. It will be okay.

Then from behind a cliff bed ahead, smoke covered the air, rising in multiple beams. When we finally walked there I realized it wasn't smoke, but steam.

In front of us were hundreds of ponds in different shapes and sizes filled with hot water.

"Thank the gods!" Mayra exclaimed. "Hot springs."

"Only for a moment," Xander said before Mayra sprinted ahead, picking the deepest hole, stripping naked, and submerging into the water.

She moaned and rolled her eyes back, letting herself sink below the surface. Xander walked to a different one and began undressing.

"Did you know these were here?" I asked as I approached Mayra who had emerged, with only her head out. Her beautiful hair had slicked down her neck.

"No, but I had hoped. Jump in, I know you are freezing."

I glanced back, catching Xander's frame, bare from his back to his feet, stepping into a pond. I felt a bit unnerved losing my clothes in front of him.

"Oh don't worry darling he is not interested, trust me I've tried." She almost laughed and threw herself back, small waves danced around her. It was as if she had read my mind.

Modesty or not, I was freezing and a dip into ponds full of hot water was irresistible. I quickly let my clothes slip, descending into the water with her. I let my head go under as the water warmed my body. My legs were just long enough to reach the bottom.

"How long have you known him?" I asked, wiping the water from my eyes.

"I've known him for eight years now. He is quite famous in the capital." She leaned her head back, only letting her hair be submerged before setting her eyes back on me.

"Eight years? How old is he exactly?"

"Who knows? Some say twenty, others say fifty, and there are even rumours that he is over a hundred years old."

I lifted my brows in surprise and glanced past her, only catching the back of his head.

"What did you mean you've tried?" It was a dumb question and I regretted asking it the second the words left my lips.

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