Chapter Seventy - Eight

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"General," I bowed to him first.

"Lieutenant," I said looking over at Elijah. Mayra disappeared, but not far. 

"My lady," Elijah nobly responded.

Aleron merely observed me, his face relaxed but sharp.

"Lieutenant?" I began settling my attention on him before he interrupted.

"Elijah is more than adequate, lady Eleonora."

I ignored his slight correction.

"You served my father for many years, didn't you?" I asked bluntly.

Aleron had told me some of my father's history, but it was his history. It was through Aleron's eyes and greatly affected by how he had felt about my father.

Elijah's bushy brows rose and he cleared his throat, smiling at the floor at my sudden approach.

"Yes, I did. He was an honourable man. I was very fortunate to have known him."

"So you did know him well?"

"Ever since he was a child, my lady. But I served queen Naenna first."

My tense face relaxed from surprise. Elijah had been around for a long time and managed to serve three rulers all the while. He could have a whole ocean of stories or useful information if he was ever willing to tell.

"My father must've trusted you then."

"Very much. He was like a son to me. As you might know your grandfather, king Aruund died before Emrys was born. Naenna couldn't control him. He needed a father. I like to think I became that to him. "

I swallowed, sensing his sorrow, "It must've been hard watching him die, not being able to do anything."

His eye twitched for a moment before he blinked it away. "I try to honour him by serving the kingdom."

"Yes, your loyalty is strong. Aleron is fortunate to have you in his service." My eyes dragged to Aleron, whose glimmering eyes hid beneath a golden mask.

His lips curled, "Elijah is indeed a rare stone. Not many have been able to stick around for as many years as he has. Loyalty is your greatest strength, my friend." Aleron said with a big smile and patted Elijah on the back.

Elijah smiled flustered, grabbing the hilt of his sword where his hand had been all night, even tighter. 

Aleron's attention was now on me, "You dance sublimely, my lady." He sounded teasing and I snorted a laugh.

"As do you, general," I responded with a smile, nodding my head.

"But I must admit I was taken by surprise at your choice of company. Yours have been better." He said as if it was a hidden insult.

My heart stung, remembering Selene and her doe eyes, looking at me in fright. But his comment stuck with me.

I cleared my throat, expelling the thoughts before they could take hold of me, "I guess it's my turn to envy yours then." I lightly snapped back, wondering why the brunette wasn't hanging on his arm.

"Lillian is the best dancer the capital has to offer, I'm glad you noticed." He responded as if having read my mind.

But it was all too clear to hear the slight mocking in his voice. Maybe rejection didn't sit well with him or maybe, it was jealousy I was tasting.

"So where is your company?" He asked, letting his eyes wander around the room, obviously knowing Xander wasn't there.

"He came for me, not to socialize."

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