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I almost slipped crossing the town's square, my legs weren't long so that was why. In the brutal heat, I sought quick shelter in the shadows but I couldn't go home, because father wasn't there, and Grayce was in the bathhouse. I liked dipping my toes in the water and watching her wash the many pieces of clothing. And there were so many, not in any particular pretty colours but I liked to pick one and count how many pieces there would be. I could go on for hours doing that. Grayce didn't mind, she said it was good that I learned to count well. She whipped her hair back as she rose from her bent position, wiping her sweaty forehead.

"Stay here, okay, I'll go to the church and be right back. The heat is too much for you, so just wait." She looked at me sternly but I simply nodded knowing I wouldn't stay. I never listened to her. Not to her teachings, lessons, or even threats about the cruelty of the world. It was fascinating but ultimately useless.

I let a few seconds go by until I knew she had reached the church, before I rose, drying my feet in a towel and slipping on my sandals. I looked back, hopped onto a wooden barrel and jumped out of a window. Grayce warned me many times to not do that but I didn't care, I was going to Ms Mildren's house. 

Ms Mildren was always baking and humming her summer songs. It smelled divine from the back window. I could already smell it. I tipped my toes and grabbed the window sill to better view her kitchen. She was there, in her light blush gown and loose grey hair, humming away while stirring a pot. It smelled sweet, like berries.

She turned her head, "Elora, get out of my window you greedy nightmare." She exclaimed, waving her wooden spoon at me. I backed up, grinning from ear to ear. "You can come back later for a taste, but hurry home now and get out of the heat." She pointed and I smiled while nodding, laughing as I walked into the alleyway between her house and the bathhouse.

A rounded figure blocked my path.

"Why do you always look like that?" Claudine mocked as she watched me with crossed arms.

I said nothing and turned for the other way out only to discover her friends suddenly there, blocking my way.

"I have to go home," I stuttered, turning back toward her. I knew what was coming.

"Ugly children don't have a home. That's why your mommy is dead."

"Shut your mouth." I hissed, slamming her across the face.

Claudine gasped, rubbing her cheek."How dare you?"

A kick to my back had me buckling to the ground and I gasped for air feeling as if my lungs had just folded in on each other. "You shouldn't curse," she sneered and landed a hard kick to my face. I whined and began to cry when I felt the blood. She leaned down, "Didn't your parents teach you that?"

"What in gods name are you doing?" Grayce's horrified voice exclaimed and she pushed Claudine aside, who fell into the wall. Grayce bent down to pick me up. "You horrible children." Everyone scattered, everyone except Claudine.

"You pushed me." She exclaimed shocked and examined the shoulder hem of her gown, it was torn. 

"Go home Claudine," Grayce sneered, "Go home." She said louder making Claudine flinch. She ran off instantly.

Grayce scooped me up in her arms and began shushing my tears away. We entered the bathhouse where she quickly found a wet rag to dry my face.

"That was really foolish what you did? Didn't I say to stay here? You never listen do you, Elora?" She looked at me with strict eyes, before running the rag over my forehead. "I think I told you before to never use violence. Claudine might have a very unlikeable face but that shouldn't tempt you, do you understand Elora? Do you understand that you can not let anger or fear run your actions? It makes you weak and vulnerable, and very, very foolish."

My Darkening EmberWhere stories live. Discover now