Chapter Thirteen

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The streets were more alive than before. No sheriff or guards could be seen anywhere besides the one at the gate. Lights hung above me, swaying in the wind, from poles dug into each side of the main path. A woman laughed somewhere in the back and I watched as another bargained for silks. There were no kids here, which wasn't strange. This wasn't an appropriate place at all.

It was a trade market, one that closed and opened at all crazy hours or dates of the year. Sometimes it would be almost every day and sometimes it was just once a month. Over recent years though, under the new generals' rule, the travelling market had kept its location and dates more secret. Here, all sorts of deals went by and most weren't of the legal kind. I never thought I would ever step inside the travelling market.

A fire caught my attention. A huge tent began where the street parted. A man stood outside the entrance spurting fire. He caught my eye, smiled, and lifted the fabric, bidding Mayra inside. I followed, feeling entranced as I stepped inside.

The man let the curtain fall behind me and the city's noise drowned out as the warmth of the tent surrounded me.

Inside were small tables with racks set up, all filled with fabrics, footwear, and clothes. One had silks wrapped around it, shielding a woman standing behind it. Her sunken eyes never left us.

She was entirely wrapped in silks, jewelled in gold. Her eyes were brown and narrow, watching us intensely.  A golden headband around her white hair had a single black stone hanging down her forehead. The stone seemed to change colour as we approached.

Mayra had already burst forward, observing some necklaces displayed on the woman's table. I got the impression she was an expensive lady.

"Excuse me, I need something for her," she said and slid to my side as if she had gotten so enchanted by the jewellery, she had forgotten I was there.

Without a word the woman nodded, walking to a table of silk dresses, grabbing a white one, threaded in blue and gold.

Mayra gave her a patient smile and exhaled calmly, "I was thinking something more concealing. Traveller friendly and warm." She explained as she would to a child.

The woman nodded again, walking to the farthest table in the back that was hiding a neatly folded pile of trousers, loosely fitted tunics, and wrap-around coats with extra fabric on the back. It was also lined with fur to wrap around the head.

"Yes, this is perfect. She needs to fit it all." Something caught her eyes and she bent down. "And these." She said and picked up a set of large black boots, slamming them onto the table. "Trust me." She said and winked at me.

The lady raised my arms. She was so small she walked right under them while sizing me with her eyes. When she was certain she had gotten the right measurements, she collected the clothes and led me to the other corner of a tent. She pushed me into a wooden stall, gave me the clothes and pulled on a curtain, letting it fall and divide us.

I finally had some privacy behind a thin piece of fabric.

Looking down at myself I could understand why Mayra was so hasty in getting me changed.

I had dried blood and sand on my dress, not to mention, the smell of it was horrendous.

I carefully put the clothes she had given me down and released the wrap-around fabric around my shoulders, reaching back to unbutton the many buttons that snaked down my back. The last one popped off, releasing the top of the loose mutton sleeves. I freed the knot that bound the skirt to my waist on the back and watched as it slit to my ankles. I pulled on the scarf around my head until my hair was free, hanging to the side. Only my nightdress remained.

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