Chapter Seventy - Two

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I fumbled toward the door in the dark, still trying to imagine Aleron's look when he had given me the ring. If I had just seen his eyes I would have known if he was genuine.

"Xander is right," Mayra sounded as I exited the bathroom, feeling my way to the bed.

Her touch came instantly but I waved her away.

"I got it," I reassured her as I felt my way to the bed frame. I had begun to know where things were, even in the dark.

"Maybe," I finally responded, finding a million reasons for his proposal.

"The feast is in two nights. What will you do then?"

"Try to not get caught," I responded humorously.

Mayra had come with dinner and explained that she had overseen all preparations for the feast in a few days. She had also said because of my poisoning, guards had been doubled. 

"They are going all out for this one. I guess Aleron expected to announce your union if you had accepted." She explained. "I would have given anything to have been there. To have seen Xander's face."

"I would have too," I silently added.

"I wonder where he goes to sleep," Mayra questioned suddenly, prompting a chuckle from me.

"He probably went to a tavern or somewhere else where he wouldn't be seen, although with his dress code, not being seen is probably difficult," I responded with a subtle grin.

I had to convince him to rest up, and he had, in turn, told me I was the one who needed rest as well as his protection. Although when he had seen Mayra return he was more inclined to leave. He did trust her after all.

"Do you know what you are wearing?"

"No, but I have a sneaking suspicion you know what I'm wearing."

"I might have an idea." 

I leaned back, closing my eyes feeling the comforting softness under me.

She crawled in next to me.

"I think he cares about you." I could hear her adjust herself until she was comfortable. 

"He does."

I felt her shift, maybe adjusting herself to better view me.

"Did he say that?" She sounded fascinated.

"He might've."

"Gods, he is more of a mystery than ever."

"You never seen him have any care?"

"Only once, when we visited a group of refugees. Xander was practically frantic, trying to get them to safety." She exhaled and leaned back. "Some of them had bounties on them, and others were just trying to help. But Xander was different that day, caring for old people, reassuring the young ones that things were going to be fine."

"Did you for him?"

She snorted so loudly that I almost bit my tongue, wishing I never asked.

"No offence, but he isn't exactly a very lovable man. Plus he isn't my type." She chuckled. 

"So, the people, did he get them out?" I said, wanting to change the subject.

"Yes, he took them to ice territory," she explained.

Ice territory? The tunnel?

"Why were you there?"

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