Chapter Thirty - Three

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"Please don't hurt her," I said, letting my gaze slip back to the view. "She was just protecting me." It didn't sound quite right as I said it. Protecting me from him? Would he have endangered my life if it wasn't for Mayra?

He said nothing, and I expected that.

"I'm the king's bastard child," I still couldn't believe it, and saying it out loud sounded ridiculous.

He remained silent as I continued, "Did you know that when you were hired to get me?"

Get you? Get you? He kidnapped you!


Short and unreadable as always.

"It's hard to believe." I almost exhaled my laughter, not sure what was the hard part. Believing he didn't know or that I was a king's daughter.

"Maybe." He simply replied.

"I should have gone with you when you asked." I meant it. The prospect of having to rule the kingdom was too much for me. I would rather be on the run, in the free.

"You would have resented me if you did."

"Maybe, but it would have been my choice." I sighed, "But I guess you were right, you never really get to choose."

"I never said that."

"In other words, you did," I replied.

"Don't listen to the words of men, especially if they're coming from anger."

"Profound." I snorted. It was all a little too ridiculous. I caught him smiling for a good minute.

"Here," he said, suddenly very close to me before he reached out, handing me something I thought had been lost weeks ago.

"My bag!" I erupted low in surprise. I knew what was in it. Besides a map of the constellations as well as some coins, it had my father's will. The piece of paper that could change everything, or would have.

"Thank you." I clutched the bag. That letter would be the only thing Edmund had left for me, the only thing reminding me of him.

"Where will you go now?" I turned to Xander, staring at his glum eyes.

"Back to where I need to be."

I smiled at his attempt at being vague. "Will there be peace there?" I had no idea if he had gotten his freedom but I hoped he had.

He nodded.

"I guess that's as good as it can be." I exhaled looking upon the beautiful city.

It was a city I had dreamt of since I was a child. It was truly everything I never could have imagined. A city for the gods.

"I used to wish for this life. Living amongst the rich without a care in the world. I used to think they were all happy, and could do everything their hearts desired. But it's just a facade. A big lie. All they have are trivial things. It's depressing."

"They live for themselves, just like we all do." He responded quickly.

"I don't believe we are all that selfish."

"Then you are a fool."

"Maybe. Or maybe I'm just hopeful."

"People don't get rewarded for being hopeful Elora." He turned to me and I felt his eyes run over every inch of me. "If you don't learn that now you will know the hard way."

"Is that what happened to you?" I finally looked at him, into those brown and green moons. "Did you give up on hoping when people let you down and betrayed you?"

My Darkening EmberHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin