Chapter Twelve

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The fog was thick and stalked us until a light flared. Torches began on our path and the cliffs opened up. A huge wooden gate blocked us from going any further.

Xander turned his eyes to me and handed me a long, dark blue scarf. What he had said earlier, about my desert roots being noticeable, was very true. With my dark hair, it was obvious I wasn't from the North. Of course, the South had its blend of people, but its original settlers looked like me, and I would easily stand out. Anyone aware of the bounty would look for a young woman with darkened features, being out of place.

I took it from his hands and put it over my hair, wrapping its long body around my neck. It wouldn't conceal me greatly but I imagined Xander just wanted to put in a minimal effort to hide me. If there was to be trouble he would handle it quickly, maybe he was even looking for an excuse to blow off some steam.

Xander leaned into a tall man guarding the gate and slipped something through his palm. The gates opened and we entered.

The city was gleaming with life and lights glowed in many of the earth's fall colours. People beamed with laughter. All different types of music were playing in every corner.

Drunk people were staggering, sellers making bargains, and wild acrobats were running around the pacing people, their slippery hands cashing coins. Beautiful women were lined up with their faces covered in silks and jewellery. Some threw their silks into the air and spun before they caught them again. Others were gazing at men and women with suggestive eyes.

Along the side were vendors selling food, jewellery, and animals. Exotic birds in cages, wild dogs on leashes, and even a snow lion in a bigger cage. Its wild eyes matched its white pelt.

"In here," Xander nodded towards a huge wooden house among other smaller ones. A sign had been beaten into the ground with the words, Traveling tavern, burned into the wood. We left his horse, untied.

Inside was set up like a regular tavern like the one back home.


Bar stools needed replacing, barmaids were carrying trays serving beer and meat, and a barkeeper was polishing whisky glasses behind the bar. It was only half-filled, which was surprising considering how many people I had seen on my way in.

Xander slipped across the main floor to the bar, pulling a stool for me while signalling two fingers to the barkeep.

"I don't drink." I protested as the barkeeper poured two shots.

"Tonight you do," Xander insisted, drowning back his glass.

"Where we are headed there will be no time for pleasantries like this." He picked up one of the small glasses and gestured to me. I began reevaluating his definition of pleasantries.

Glancing at him disapprovingly, I reluctantly picked up the glass and swallowed the alcohol. It tasted like burning sweet water. I coughed and tried to contain my grimace.

"Horrible," I said and stuck out my tongue.

A smile reached his eyes if only for a few seconds.

"It's whiskey, darling, of course, it's horrible." A woman with a formal tone placed herself next to Xander, whose smile had suddenly vanished.

She wore a black top with a skirt underneath a netted-sleeve dress, slimming her body. The dress was bedazzled with small stones in gold, silver, and glass hanging like raindrops. Her hair was wavy and black, with one small braid, dreaded beautifully on each side of her high cheekbones. Her eyes were a deep grey, lined with black liner, while her inner corners were painted with glimmer. Her skin was a beautiful dark brown complementing her rosy lips.

Xander signed for another shot, ignoring her presence.

The woman only smiled at him and extended a hand across his chest.

"I'm Mayra." Her catty eyes stared at me, waiting.

I took her hand and nodded. My name was already posted everywhere and I didn't feel like lying.

She tilted her head and snorted. "Secrecy? For what reason, Elora?"

My eyes widened.

"Enough with the formalities Vixen," Xander grabbed her arm, pulling our hands apart.

"Vixen?" Mayra exclaimed with surprise. "No one calls me that anymore Xander."

"That's because no one here knows you. If they did they would kill you, " he sent her a smile, although from as much as I could gather he wasn't amused.

"Being an asshole won't get you any help from me. I only deal with gentlemen." She said cockily

"Yes, I know all about your gentlemen." He responded blatantly.

Her eyes shifted to his, clearly annoyed but trying to seem calm.

"I see why you would try and strangle this one. He is rather tedious." Her eyes were back on me.

The annoyance Xander had forced out had gone and her eyes glimmered again. Calm energy radiated from her.

"How do you know that?" I furrowed, trying not to find her comment funny for the sake of Xander, who had just ordered another drink.

"A bird told me," she whispered amused and snatched his drink, drowning it down while ignoring his grim scowl.

"Enough talk, do you have a passage or not?" Xander said and finally turned his head, meeting her endearing eyes.

"Oh, I do, however, so do the red hunters." She said calmly. Nothing seemed to faze her, although Xander's frame had tensed up a bit.

"So how do you plan on getting us aboard the ship?"

She laughed, "I never said I would give you a plan. You asked for safe passage on the next ship so I have it for you. How you will get onboard is your concern." Her face was still calm, as Xander's fists closed up, his jaw tightening.

It was getting uncomfortable. I felt whatever deal they had made, had just gotten someone screwed over and it wouldn't be pretty.

But to my surprise Xander relaxed his hands, saying, "Fine. But I won't pay you until we are on that ship." He rose from the chair, heading for the exit. I didn't move and neither did Mayra.

"It better be everything I asked." She yelled after him before he walked out leaving me behind. Confused, I realized he hadn't left me to myself but to Mayra, who at the same time realized she would have to look after me while he was gone.

"Let's get you some proper clothes shall we," she sighed and extended an arm.

I hesitated before wrapping my arm around hers, wondering if I should suggest the same to her, as we exited the bar.

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