Chapter Thirty - One

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Everyone's eyes were on me as I pulled on the door and entered the ballroom again. Their faces filled with surprise as I walked back seemingly unharmed. Xander followed behind me, keeping to the other side of the hall, presumably putting distance between himself and Mayra. I was surprised he didn't just leave. I fully expected him to. 

Mayra was still by the food, leaning against a pillar, surveying the room while holding a glass of wine with a long body.

"He didn't leave, did he?"

She sighted troublesomely, "He would have taken you back. He would never have agreed to this." She pointed into the room with her glass.

I rubbed my neck, exhausted from the whole affair.

"Thank you." She said, her eyes remaining focused on the crowd.

I looked back at her, not sure what she was thanking me for. "He would probably have skinned me alive if you hadn't stepped in." She added.

"What did you do to him?" I turned my head, my eyes searching for him until I found his tall frame standing at the other end, looking furious, observing everyone.

"I might have knocked him out."

"I thought that was impossible." His eyes caught mine and I abruptly looked away.

"Nothing is impossible." It sounded more serious than even she expected it to.

I exhaled, "Mayra," I began, not sure how I would even start a conversation about what she was or could do.

"I will tell you, just not now, not here." Her eyes hinted at desperation. I guessed if anyone here overheard our conversation it wouldn't go well for her.

"His Lord General." A voice cut the noise, followed by our silence as a man took the throne.

Mayra moved past the crowd and I followed, their many heads were covering whoever had just entered making it hard to see. 

Then I saw him.

He was much older than me. His was hair as light as the desert sands, reaching his shoulders and his eyes were a piercing hue of blue. His cheekbones perfectly aligned with his stubble beard and he wore black trousers and a tunic embroidered with silver patterns across his chest. Draped over his shoulders was a dark blue cloak that reached his ankles.

He took a seat on the king's chair and raised his hand, watching as the hall once again filled with chatter and music.

"Is that-?" I could barely speak as I studied Aleron on his chair.

"The acting regent on his throne," Mayra answered spitefully glaring at him. She had deeper hate for him than I thought.

My eyes unwillingly searched for Xander, again, but I didn't see him before Sarvin rushed to our side.

"Follow my lead." He nodded with suspense and strolled back onto the main floor. I looked at Mayra, who returned my gaze with a look of nerves before we both followed.

"Your grace," Sarvin said so loudly as to cut through the noise of chatter. The main floor cleared up until it was just us. Sarvin extended his arms as if accepting an embrace, before leaning forwards, bowing respectfully. Mayra followed in a bow and I quickly mirrored her.

"Lord Sarvin," Aleron's voice was deep and marked by time. "How are you enjoying yourself?"

"To the full extent, thanks to your grace's generosity," Sarvin smoothly countered but I sensed his replies were painted with hatred and distrain, the same as Mayra's.

"Might I present my daughter, Lady Mayra."

She quickly lifted her dress from the floor, letting her knees dip once. I never thought I would see her curtsy. "And my niece, Elora."

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