Chapter Seven

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I passed large rocks left and right until they were all around me. The gag was still in my mouth, while the knife was in my hand. My lungs wanted to collapse from the garment dress weighing me down, and sweat poured down my neck. As I stopped, I pressed my back up against a large rock and ripped the gag from my face. I spit the sour taste into the sand. He would wake any minute I just knew it and then he would come for me. I didn't dare think of what he would do if he caught me again.

Surveying my surroundings, the path was full of fallen debris from the cliffs. I could hide between them until nightfall and then continue. All of my supplies were with him but there was no way I was going back. He would likely cut off my fingers or my hand for what I had done. The night would hide me best, though I wondered if the dark hindered him. He had probably lived for centuries perfecting being a predator on the hunt for prey.

I ran again, in between the rocks. My hand pumping with my heart, clutching the silver dagger tight.

I stopped again, almost gagging from exhaustion. I couldn't continue otherwise my lungs might explode. I needed to find a place, anywhere to hide.


No wind, no bird song, nothing could be heard. The sun was high and scorching. I ran again. Ducking left and right, sliding across the sands, going deeper and deeper into the valley which only seemed to be getting wider and longer.


The sand filled my shoes and the sweat was pouring down my back. The knife was still in my wet hands. How would I stab him? In the heart? The eye. The throat. The gut. I breathed faster, running faster.

Elora, you are not listening.

A narrow opening between two rocks blocked my path. I struggled through it while gasping and groaning. I could feel his hands on me any second, like the brush of a ghostly wind. That tight grip, ribbing me out and throwing me to the ground. His dark frame over me and the wicked smile as a gun pointed straight at my head. He would fire no doubt. Kill me.

I struggled harder, gasping as I made it through. I felt a burning sensation on my knees. I must've scratched them on the hard rock. I picked up my pace again. His hands wouldn't find me, ever again. Never.

Then as if I blinked, a black-caped figure appeared in front of me. Tall and lean with eyes like a praying cat. I gasped loudly and almost stumbled back. Raising the knife I felt myself panicking. He found me.

My eyes didn't even look at his face before I spun around, readying myself to run again. I didn't get the chance as two hands grabbed my shoulders stopping me, one quickly wrapping itself around my wrist.

He was taller than me, with wide shoulders and a heavy build. A large brown moustache covered his face and red hair had been slick back.

His big hand started to squeeze my wrist until I whined and let the blade slip into the sand. He turned me and I finally saw the face of the skinny frame that had halted me dead in my tracks. I had thought it was Xander, as I only saw his attire, but that man was not Xander.

He was older, with thin lips and a face wrinkled by time. Piercing blue eyes hid under a broad-brimmed black hat. A scar ran over his mouth, continuing down his throat. It was another one of them. Another Mile man.

We're gonna die.

He approached, reaching for my face with his bony fingers.

"We've been looking for you Elora," he said while his thin lips curled into a smile, exposing his slight yellow-stained teeth.

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