Chapter Twenty - Three

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"My sweet darling." Her voice was so motherly as her arms reached for me.

"How beautiful you are," she said as I stepped into them, her arms were warm and embracing. I wanted to cry with joy but nothing came. She felt like home, and her voice was like hearing a ghost. She was her, my mother.

"I can't see you." I scrunched my brows in concern. Why was her face gone? No lips, eyes, or nose, just a blur. The only thing truly clear was the necklace. The feather-like jade she had left for me.

"It's okay sweetheart, I'm here." Her hand rested on my head, caressing my hair.

I closed my eyes, wanting to imagine what she smelled like.

"I missed you," I whispered.

"I know, my love. I know." She released me and I looked up.

"Can I come with you now?" I almost begged. I wanted to stay in her arms. Feel her warmth forever. I had never known what it was like but I missed it so much.

"No," She stroked my hair again and looked past me.

I looked back following her gaze as faint voices started echoing from the tunnel.

She's not breathing

She's gone, boy.

They were fading.

This was it, the punishment. I would find no leniency with the gods. This was their last mercy on me, a strange farewell. I turned back to her, hugging her even tighter. This would be the only time I would get to feel her touch, to hear her voice. What waited for me I did not know, but it wasn't peace.

"Where I'm I supposed to go?" I asked so softly I felt like a child again.

"You know the way, darling."

"I'm not sure I can make it. The journey is so scary." I sniffled a cry. I didn't want to leave her. Not yet.

"Not yet," I whispered as I felt her touch become lighter.

She stroked my hair again and leaned down to whisper. "Your journey is only beginning. The war is coming."

I tore from her arms, shocked at what she had just said. Did I hear her right?

"The what?" I stuttered.

Then she grabbed my wrist, violently turning it. 

"Elora, come back." A voice escaped her, a manly voice. I gasped in shock.

The pain went through me, starting from my chest and making its way down my arm. Black veins snaked down my skin, disappearing into her hand.

Then she released me, letting me fall back through the tunnel as darkness swallowed me.

"Mother!" My scream was faint, echoing through my head as my lungs gasped for air and I opened my eyes.

I was alive.

"Mama," I began sobbing.

I tried moving but my arms felt heavy. I raised my stinging arms and gasped when I saw what had been done.

The left had a huge gash sliced from my wrist to my elbow. The right had the same wound cut right through the tattoo but with a long tube, with remnants of black blood, sticking out of it.

I whined as I reached one hand over to tear the tube out. It was long and embedded deep into my skin. I cried as it finally came out, throwing it on the floor.

I sat up looking at both my arms. The dark veins were gone. The gods must have been toying with me, because what I had seen, what I had felt in that dream, seemed so real. It was torture.

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