New Character: Eddie Gluskin

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(A/N: Another Outlast character is going to be in the book! This is Eddie Gluskin AKA The Groom! If any of you are Outlast fans, you probably know him very well. So please enjoy this chapter!)

How He Meet You:

In the Mount Massive Asylum, the parents are models and they look at the asylum as the father begin to grin with delight along with the mother as they thought of placing the newborn baby there.

"The quicker we do this, the better that this thing can die." The father said

"I like it." The mother smirked

They both went inside and place the baby into the security guard's hand as he looked down and removed the blanket as the newborn baby has H/C hair and E/C eyes.

"That baby can't be mine to take care of." The security guard said

"Take that thing down below... to the Groom. Maybe he can kill her." The other security guard said

"Hahaha I love that idea!" The first security guard grinned

As they are about to bring the baby down, an alarm set off as the baby let out a loud cry, as the guard snarled.

"SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF..." The guard said

That's when a few variants tackled the guard as the guard dropped the newborn baby out of its hands as the baby fall onto the ground. The baby cried more as a variant named Dennis came over and picked the baby up.

"This baby will be the prize." Dennis said

Dennis then ran off with the baby all the way down to the Vocational Block attic and set the baby down and quickly leave, not to becoming a sacrifice. The baby cried more until footsteps came and that's when the man picked up the baby and shushes it. The man touch the baby softly as he looked at it.

"A baby? A poor defenseless little baby here? Who would abandon a poor defenseless little baby?" The man said

The baby whimpered as the man looked at it with his blue eyes and black hair. Eddie begin to touch the baby's face and he thought about being a father and wanting to protect it from harm.

"I'll raise you little baby. I'll name you... Y/N." Eddie said

You begin to coo as he begin to take you somewhere to raise you as his own.

Your First Night With You:

You were crying as you are hungry as Eddie came over quickly and pick you up and shushed you gently as he take out a bottle filled with formula. You started to suck on it greedily as Eddie pulled it away.

"Don't drink it too fast." Eddie said

You whimpered as Eddie shushed you gently as looked at you.

"Drink slowly Y/N. Daddy doesn't want to see you sick." Eddie said

As he gave you the bottle, you begin to drink it slowly as he see that the bottle is finish. He then burped you and put on a fresh diaper and onesie on your body. You begin to rub your E/C eyes as he sees that your sleepy and he set you into a makeshift crib as you begin to fall asleep.

Who He Trust To Babysit You:

Eddie doesn't trust NOBODY to babysit you because he doesn't want to see you leave out of his arms and he doesn't want to see you hurt by the other guys.

When He Plays With You:

"Peek-a-boo!" Eddie said while making a silly face

You giggled as Eddie continue to play peek a boo with you as you clapped your baby hands, enjoying to play the game with your dad.

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