New Character: Sweeney Todd

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(A/N: If anyone is a fan of A Demon Barber In Fleet Street, this chapter is for you! You are going to have a father figure by the name of Sweeney Todd. I forgot who requested me this character by the way. Anyways, let's get it started.)

How He Meet You:

On the sail, Anthony Hope begin to sing There's No Place Like London as Sweeney Todd came over as he also sang along.

"No there's no place like London." Sweeney Todd sang

"Mr. Todd?" Anthony asked

"You're young. Life's been too kind to you. You will learn." Sweeney Todd sang

He then walked over to the front of the boat and continue to sang the song with ease. As the boat arrived in London, Sweeney got off the boat along with Anthony as he noticed the streets there.

"My mind is far from easy. I've seen shadows." Sweeney Todd said

"Shadows?" Anthony asked

"Ghosts." Sweeney said

Sweeney then sang Barber and His Wife as he then continues to sing about the past life of Benjamin Barker. After when he is finish singing, Anthony felt a bit sorry and came over to Sweeney.

"Did the lady succumb?" Anthony asked

"Oh that was many years ago. I doubt if anyone would know." Sweeney sang

Sweeney then looked at Anthony and begin to come over to him.

"I'd like to thank you Anthony. If you hadn't spotted me, I'd be lost on the ocean still." Sweeney said

"Will I see you again?" Anthony asked

"You may find me if you like. Around Fleet Street, I wouldn't wonder." Sweeney said

"Until then, my friend." Anthony said

Sweeney and Anthony both parted ways as Sweeney begin to walk away while muttering softly.

"There's a hole in the world
Like a great black pit
And it's filled with people who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world who inhabit it." Sweeney muttered

As Sweeney arrived, he then noticed two parents betting over a baby that have filthy rags instead of clothes.

"One thousand!!" A rich customer asked

"One thousand dollars for this wretched thing. Going once twice." The dad said

"Two thousand!" Another rich customer said

"Two thousand!! Going once.. going twice!" The mother said

Sweeney felt a bit angry at these parents who are trying to sell a baby away. He then raised his hands as said his amount.

"30 thousand." Sweeney said

"30 thousand... going once.. twice! Sold to the rich gentleman." The mother said

Sweeney then got onstage as the mother gave Sweeney Todd the baby as the baby have beautiful H/C hair and cute E/C eyes. The baby shivers as Sweeney placed the baby close to his chest for warmth.

"Now give us the amount of the baby." The mother said

"I'm sorry madam but there's no amount for this adorable and innocent baby here. I'm keeping it." Sweeney said

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