New Character: Kuchisake-Onna

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(A/N: If anyone is a fan of The Slit Mouth Woman, then this is the mom you're having!! She is requested by adianeskirby. Hope you all enjoy and let's get it started!)

How She Meet You:

In Japan, both parents ran away from the police as they are wanted criminals as they both carefully hid at the dark alley. They begin to look at the baby as they begin to drop the baby into the trash can and were about to leave until they both encounter a woman wearing a trench coat with a surgical mask over her face.

"Am I pretty?" The woman asked

"Umm yes." The mom asked

The woman then take off the surgical mask, revealing her mouth that was sliced from ear to ear. Both parents screamed in fear as the woman walked over while raising her scissors.

"Am I pretty NOW?!!" The woman asked

"No!! You're not pretty! You're hideous!" The dad said with fear

The mother then take out the baby from the trash as she approach them until the woman looked at the baby.

"Take this baby! Not us!" The mom said

The woman looked as the baby have nothing but rags and have E/C eyes and H/C hair. She carefully take the baby and begin to stabbed the mom in the chest as the dad screamed and ran off.  She then look at the baby as the baby gurgles while touching her trench coat.

"Looks like I'm going to raise you.. and keep you as my own daughter. Now I'll name you... Y/N." Kuchisake-Onna said

You gurgled at the name as she take you to raise you as her own.

Her First Night With You:

You were an easy baby to take care of as Kuchisake-Onna have bathed you and gave you some comfortable onesie to wear. She even feed you, burped you and even cuddled you to warm you up. Once you are snuggled in, you slowly fall asleep into her arms.

Who She Trust To BabySit You:

Kuchisake-Onna trusted Kayako to babysit you since she is a mother herself.

When She Plays With You:

Kuchisake-Onna is now playing peek-a-boo with you as you giggled as she makes a silly face each time as you go. You continue to giggle as she kiss your cheek as you enjoyed playing with your mom.

Your First Word (Your First Word: Issors. Scissors):

You are now crawling around until you see your mom's scissors use to kill or cut their faces into the smile similar as hers.

"I-Issors (Scissors)." You said

Your mommy came over and smile at you and pick you up.

"This calls for a reward for saying your first word." Kuchisake-Onna cooed

You clapped your hands as she take you to the toy store as a reward for saying your first word.

When She Changed Your Diaper:

You are now playing in your playpen until you notice a wet spot on your onesie and cried as your mom quickly came and noticed that your diaper needs to be changed. She placed you down on the changing area and remove your onesie and then your diaper.

"You really have to go huh?" Kuchisake-Onna cooed

You giggled as she wiped your bottom and powdered it as you let out a cute sneeze.

"Bless you." Kuchisake-Onna cooed

She then placed rash cream before placing a fresh clean diaper on and a new onesie.

Horror Parent ScenarioWhere stories live. Discover now