New Character: Richard Trager

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(A/N: If anyone is a fan of the game called Outlast, I decided to add an outlast character into the story. This is the Richard Trager from the first outlast game! I hope you all enjoy!

Warning: Mentioning of blood and killing.)

How He Meet You:

It is a nighttime in the Mount Massive Asylum and two people came into the asylum with a newborn baby fast asleep in the arms. Both parents have grinned knowing the place is filled with crazy people known as Variants and place the baby in the elevator.

"Hope the mistake gets killed." The male adult said

"Or forced into test subjects." The female adult said

As the elevator dinged to the top of the asylum, a man who wore a blood stained apron around the front part of his legs which have dark green patient sheets, a tattered surgeon mask, steampunk-esque monocles with a shattered right lens and a patient drip wrapped around his left arm that punctures his veins. The man looked down, revealing to be Richard Trager as he noticed a note that reads:

"To whom it may concern,

This mistake here has been making our lives hell. Give this mistake a little testing or harm it!"

Richard felt extremely furious as he carefully looked down to see the newborn baby with E/C eyes and H/C hair fast asleep into rags instead of blankets.

"Who would abandon this baby and be cruel to it? Ahh well guess I have to raise you." Richard said

The baby woke up and whined as Richard shushed the baby gently.

"I know you're scared. I'll be your new daddy for now. Hmmm now I shall name you... Y/N." Richard suggested

You gurgled and cooed as Richard begin to take you to his area and raise you as his own.

His First Night With You:

You were an easy baby to take care of as Richard already got the stuff for making your room as he is finish bathing you in a secret area away from the others. Richard begin to feed you, burp you and even place a fresh clean diaper on you. You cooed cutely as you look at your new daddy as he chuckled.

"Guess I have someone to protect and that's you." Richard Trager cooed

You rubbed your eyes as Richard sees that you're getting sleepy as he placed you into a makeshift crib. You closed your eyes as you fall asleep while sucking your thumb.

Who He Trust To Babysit You:

Richard doesn't trust ANYONE to babysit you because seeing how the other Variants here can be terrifying and he also doesn't want to see you hurt.

When He Plays With You:

You are now crawling around as you are playing hide and seek with your dad as you hid underneath the hospital bed as Richard Trager looks for you.

"Y/N, come out wherever you are." Richard Trager said

You stayed quiet as Richard Trager looked until he noticed a hospital bed with two baby feet out and came over.

"I wonder if my daughter is under here." Richard Trager cooed

He then removed the covers as you giggled cutely as Richard picked you up and smile.

"You silly girl. Daddy found you." Richard cooed

You make happy giggles that he found you and you love playing hide and seek with your dad.

Your First Word (First Word: Hears. Shears):

"Come on Y/N, say dada." Richard Trager said

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