New Character: Daeron

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(A/N: To anyone who is a fan of 30 Days of Night, I got one more vampire male to add. This is Daeron! I should've added Arvin, but Arvin is a ruthless and merciless bastard and I get why people like Arvin so I'm adding Daeron. Let's get it started.

Warning: Mentioning of abuse!)

How He Meet You:

It is another 30 days of sunless nights in Barrow, Alaska and the vampires are out to hunt as the leader Marlow came over to them.

"The heads must be separated from their bodies. Don't turn them!" Marlow said in vampire language

The vampires obeyed including Iris and they all went out to feed. Meanwhile in the house, both parents have beaten up two newborn babies, one boy and one girl as both babies wailed out in pain.


The father then got an idea and pick up the newborns in their blankets, open the window and throw them outside in the cold. The mother came out of the house and pick up the newborns and place them into a small puddle of oil. Just as the mother was about to leave, the vampires circled around her with ease as they are three females and three males.

"WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!!" The mother whimpered

One vampire approached until he heard the sound of cries that pierced his ears. He snarled and noticed the babies covered in oil and have bruises and snarled angrily at the mother.

"Take those abominations! Not me!! Please please I'll do anything!" The mother begged

The vampire snarled angrily and let out a angry hiss and approach to the females and let out a few snarls, hisses and shrieks. The females approached the mother and slashed her face as the mother screamed in agonizing pain as each female slashed her shoulders and face. Once they are finished, Daeron snarled and grabbed the mother and hissed and bite her neck brutally as she screamed as Daeron drank her blood like a feral animal. He then came over and carefully pick up the newborn babies as they both have E/C hair and different H/C hair.

"Shh..." Daeron said calmly

The babies whimpered and shake scared as Daeron took out a small towel and wiped their faces.

"What shall you do with them?" Kali asked

"Eat them Daeron!" Arvin said

"No." Daeron said


Daeron snarled angrily at Arvin as Marlow jumped down with Iris and looked at them.

"What's going on here?" Marlow asked

"Marlow sir, I found these babies abused by the 'mother'. I don't want to eat them. I want to raise them as my own." Daeron said

"Daeron dude let me explain something. One: We are vampires. Two: WE DONT TAKE CARE OF ANY SNOT NOSE BABIES!" Arvin shrieked

The babies wailed as Marlow smacked Arvin in the back of the head as he looked at Daeron.

"Daeron, they are all yours." Marlow said

Daeron nodded as the babies cried more as Dawn picked up the baby boy and rocked him gently as Daeron did the same for the girl.

"What do you want to name them?" Dawn asked

"I'm naming the girl Y/N and the boy Y/B/N." Daeron cooed

"Aww!!!!" Inika cooed

The babies gurgled as Daeron smiled at them.

"Time for me to be a father." Daeron cooed

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