New Character: Esther Coleman

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A/N: If anyone is a fan of Orphan, prepare to have a mom who is a serial psychopath. This is Esther Coleman and I got requested by @kaaaaneko and @Esther_Coleman_Fan since they have been begging me to do it which I am doing it. So, let's get it started!)

How She Meet You:

On a cold night, Esther is walking around until she heard the sound of a crying sound. She then noticed a stroller on the streets. She then noticed a car driving towards the stroller. Acting quick, she ran to the streets and pull the stroller from the car and take a look to see a newborn baby girl with E/C eyes and H/C hair with no diaper on.

"Oh you poor thing. Let me raise you." Esther cooed

The baby started to coo as Esther begin to go back home and is going to raise you as her own.

Her First Night With You:

When Esther took you home, she begins to call a few people as the door knocked as she opened the door to see some baby supplies and brought them inside as the baby became fussy. As Esther check to see the bottle is at the right temperature, she begin to feed as the baby cooed.

"There we go. You must be one hungry whittle baby. Now I'm going to name you Y/N. How does that sound?" Esther cooed

You cooed as Esther smiled as she then bathed you, dried you up, put some lotion, a fresh clean diaper and some warm pajamas as you nuzzled into her body as Esther place you into a bassinet before kissing your forehead.

"Sweet dreams Y/N. Mommy loves you." Esther cooed

Who She Trust To Babysit You:

Esther doesn't trust anyone to babysit you since she is going to keep you from danger.

When She Plays With You:

You are now playing hide and seek with your mom as you are finding the perfect place until you see her skirt. You lifted the skirt and place it over your body as Esther look for you.

"Oh Y/N. Where are you?" Esther cooed

Esther then noticed the skirt and begin to come over.

"I wonder if she is in here." Esther cooed

Esther then removes the skirt as you giggled with joy as she picked you up and kissed your cheek numerous times.

"Found you." Esther cooed

You giggled as you enjoyed playing hide and seek with your mom.

Your First Word (First Word: Ibbons. Ribbons):

You are now with your mommy learning to talk as she gave you some cards as you let out cute babbles. You then noticed your mom's ribbons and point to it.

"I-Ib-Ibbons (Ribbons)." You smiled

"Y-You spoke! Say it again." Esther said

"Ibbons." You said

"Yay!! I'm so proud of you that you said your first word." Esther cooed

You giggled as she is very proud that you said your first word.

When She Changed Your Diaper:

You are now playing with your toys without a care in the world until you made a mess in your diaper. You whimpered as Esther see that your diaper needs a changing as she picked you up and placed you down.

"Mommy is going to change your diaper." Esther cooed

Esther begin to remove your onesie before changing your diaper. She hummed as she wiped your bottom, powdered it and put some rash cream before placing a fresh clean diaper. She then placed a new onesie and pick you up and begin to play with you.

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