Devastating News

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Me: Oh you have got to be kidding me right now!

David: What happened?!

Me: Estelle Harris died!!

Dwayne, Carrie White, Jigsaw, Captain Spaulding, Eva, Rapunzel and Micah: WHAT?!!

Babadook: GODDAMN YOU 2022!!!

Angela Baker: *puts on Seinfeld*

Marlow: *place a picture of her*

Zurial: You live a very long life and passed at the age of 93.

Rapunzel: My prayers go out to your family, friends, devoted fans who loved her and her colleagues who worked with her for years

Brute: *makes roars and noises*

Kinderfanger: What Brute is saying you will be missed.

All horror slashers: *watches to honor her*

Me: 2022, you're making me ANGRIER!!

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