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AFTER THE ACCIDENT ON THE Quidditch World Cup, Daily Prophet was first to spread the news.

And obviously, Andromeda had already read the newspaper, because when she saw her family back, she was yelling at Ted for at least 30 minutes.

As for the twins, well she was mad at them too, but her mother instincts prevailed, especially when she saw Artemis's appearance.

The girl told her family about what happened to her and Harry and how Crouch accused her. Obviously, Andromeda was furious.

She always knew that her niece has been compared to her mother, especially with her reckless and loud behaviour. Andromeda was strict and she made sure to teach the girl properly, but even then, they still compared her to the crazy Death Eater.

But can you blame her? Even Andromeda herself could see her older sister in Artemis. She was looking exactly like her. It was like she was a child again and Bellatrix was getting into troubles, making her mother scream in rage.

For a few days, they were living peacefully until it came the day to got back in Hogwarts.

Honestly, Artemis and Apollo were excited to see their old friends.

Artemis had just done her trunk when her uncle and aunt called from downstairs.

"Artemis, come on! We have to go or you'll miss the train!"

The girl ran downstairs, dragging her trunk.

Once they reached the platform she could see so familiar faces. Artemis smiled happily and started to walk but Andromeda stopped her.

"Here, you'll need some extra money, this year." Andromeda handed her a bag, filled with galleons.

The Lestrange girl looked at her confused, "But why?"

The young woman winked and she said. "You'll see. This year will be quite interesting."

"Okay then. Can I go? I want to find my friends."

Andromeda sighed and engulfed the girl into a mother hug. "Promise me you'll be careful this year. And no troubles, please."


"Artemis promise me," Andromeda said with a stern, yet sad look.

The girl sighed and nodded.

Andromeda kissed her forehead and let her go. Ted walked to them, Apollo beside him and the brother and sister made their way to the train.

They were wandering for a while until they saw three familiar faces, sitting in a compartment.

The twins burst in, without saying a word.

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