I knew I felt magic coming off of her!

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Even though Gargoyles are different from humans, and I have met some of the third races, 

Avalon children, it still surprises me that the world is a larger place than we all thought.

Though I saw a lot of the future, the future is continuously changing and overlapping, things will be different than what I saw, and I won't be able to predict everything.

Seeing through the fog, waiting to see where Avalon has sent this time. Goliath, I steering the boat, Angela and I are sitting by him just watching and Elisa and Bronx towards the front standing as if waiting to see New York even though I know we won't see that for a while making my heart drop thinking about Brooklyn. I hope he and the others are doing okay; none of my visions have shown him or the others making me nervous.

"First thing I'm doing when we hit Manhattan is buying a nice, fat hot dog from the guy on the corner," Elisa says with hope looking out in front of us with Bronx sounding like he's begging to 

Elisa, making her smile. "Okay, Bronx, two hot dogs."

"Coffee sounds good," I mention. "A donut maybe, some pizza," Elisa looks at me, smiling and nodding. "Anything warm and meaty sounds good."

We suddenly hear a weird screech in the distance, making me put my hand on my staff and furrowing my eyebrows. "What in the god's name was that?"

"That didn't sound like a taxi to me," Elisa says, looking around, but through the too dense fog, you can't see anything.

we finally come up to the outskirts of an island. "What is this place?" Goliath asks, "I'm not entirely sure, but the magical energy coming off of this place is suffocating," I tell them, making the others look at me worriedly a little.

Hearing moving water Angela and I start to look around, seeing movement in the water making me stand holding my staff. "Goliath, something is moving in the water" Angela tries to warn us, but suddenly the boat tips making us all scream, dumping us in the water.

Swimming to the surface, Coughing the water out of my lungs, I put my stuff back into its place and swim towards the boat with Elisa seeing a massive surge serpent-looking creature stand above the water with Goliath holding onto its neck.

The creature starts to fall towards the boast, making me push Elisa. "Elisa, move!" I scream at her, but the movement wasn't fast enough as the serpent slams into the boat, the water pushing us under and swirling us around; pieces of the beast start to slam against me, making me breathe out the air I'm holding my lungs fill with water.

My world flashes back as I cough, feeling a burning pain in my chest, my eyes blurry with a bright light. Once my eyes adjust, I see a man in an orange coat holding me up. "She's okay," he says to someone. I look and see older women in a long blue dress with white hair. The woman comes to me, helping me up as he moves and picks someone up that I see is Elisa.

"Is she okay?" I ask as the older women walk with me, kind of holding me up towards a building of some sort "she will be fine."

The man lays Elisa down as the other woman starts to undress her out of the wet clothes, and the man wraps a blanket around me and turns around as to not stare at Elisa, making me smile at how he's a gentleman.

"What happened to the both of you? also, what are you guy's names?" The man asks, telling me his name is Nick and the other woman goes by grandmother. "We were in a ship, but something had happened, and the ship crashed," I say, half telling the truth as not to let anything up. "My name is Delphi, and she's Elisa."

It was a Time For GargoylesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon