Why don't you rest over here 'MY LoVe'

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Hey guys it's been a while and I missed y'all but after this 7 more chapters till the book is finished! I also want to apologize because I realized I never got around to writing the Coldstone episodes which might be confusing how Delphi knows Coldstone. When I do the finalized edits for the book I might add those to help but for now, let's pretend that they know each other. I hope everyone had a great end to 2022 and a good start to the new year! 

"David you do realize not everyone is filthy rich and have regular 9-5 jobs" Walking out of the elevator into the main castle where my friend stands with his hand clasped and a smirk on his face as he hooks his arm with mine dragging me deeper into the castle. My face deadpans as he starts talking about the greatest scientific experiment he's ever done and how with my help then we would change the world.

Pulling away I look up at him with a raised eyebrow "David... I'm so confused" with a sigh he opens a door revealing the on a metal table the Coldstone making me wide-eyed. The Gargoyle hybrid stands with his limbs separated and his head on a smaller table next to his body wires keeping everything together.

The brown-haired man crosses his arms satisfied with my reaction like he's been wanting to hide this till he was ready to wrap him in a bow. "Owen and I have been trying to use science to separate the three different conscious of Coldstone but with the sorcery that was used to create him science won't be enough".

"And you need me to help with the magic portion" I mutter as he nods making me cross my arms, opening his eyes Coldstone looks at me almost examining me till I remember he's never seen me human before.

"Delphi?" The gargoyle asks giving my uncle a warm smile "Hello uncle" Holding out my hands a warm purple glow emits as I glide them over the body examining what I can do.

"I'm not sure entirely what I can do, I'm not as well versed in spells as Puck or Demona, My magic is raw and more centered to my being," I tell him my magic dissipating as he pulls up on the computer graphs and schematic.

Explaining how through the code he can't distinguish the there personalities on their own and can't get rid of one without the other. Even when he thinks he finally has it the experiment fails to leave Coldstone at the head of the body.

"Delphi I'm not sure why you are helping Xanatos, he's our enemy, what did he do to you?" The blue Gargoyle asks making me look at him as David types on the computer.

"We made a truce with David when we helped his family a couple of months ago and This was a result of Puck or Owen as you would know him," I tell him as I pick up an old book of spells and read a few pages when Owen walks in seeing me.


"Pointy ears"

The blonde scuffs as he moves to the equipment pressing a few buttons "Technically you can only call me that when I'm puck, as Owen I do not have pointed ears".

Rolling my eyes I dive into the number of books David had laid out for me researching the best type of spell for a situation like this.

After hours of reading and doing more tests, as the sun starts to set, the shadows cast make me look at my watch and then at David and Owen. "I have a couple of ideas but I want to do more research before I test them out" I gather the books I have into my arms.

David rubs his brow and sighs turning off the machines and computers as Coldstone gives a disappointed look complaining about leaving him here all alone.

"Chin up Coldstone, we'll be back tomorrow," David says as I scold him for being rude as he leads me towards the open balcony of the castle, Owen heading in a different direction. Saying goodbye to David I fly back to the clocktower just after sunset seeing my clan settling in for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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